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发表于 2009-4-29 22:43:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

come to me ,i love you can you see
why do you turn your back,pretending not to hear.
still i wish someday,i'll make you turn my way
in my arms you stay

valentine is such a special day
can i have your love just today
if she ask you i want you tell her please to wait
just for one day

give me your love tonight, just tonight
when all my sads tomorrow's out of sight
give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do
in the morning i'll be on my way

take what i give tonight, just tonight
missing him on my pillow hold me tight
take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow
so take me what you can

take my hand,i love can you see
why do you turn your head,pretending not to see
still i wish someday,i'll make you turn my way
in my arms you stay

i love you ,i miss you everyday
can i have your love just today
if she ask you I want you tell her pleased to wait
just for one day

give me your love tonight, just tonight
when all my sads tomorrow's out of sight
give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do
in the morning i'll be on my way

take what i give tonight, just tonight
missing him on my pillow hold me tight
take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow
so take me what you can

forever i wait,wait for the day
the day that you say ,say that you say
give me your love tonight, just tonight
when all my sads tomorrow's out of sight
give me your kiss tonight like a lovers do
in the morning i'll be on my way

take what i give tonight, just tonight
missing him on my pillow hold me tight
take what i give tonight,cause our love has no sweet tomorrow
so take me what you can

G:回頭是場空 大地回冬 初分手數天總會痛
仍然在途中 只好相信 雨過後有彩紅
C:曾落空 先知我因为爱 曾经多英勇
曾为爱上你面红 够我闭上大门在庆功

G:全靠当天喜欢过错的人 C:今天先会自我解

G:明白小小的失恋不害人 C:更加添我成熟感

G:无法一起都总算爱过些人 C:借过你体温练习拥

G:留下你合照细望才知道 C:我跟他人更合衬

C:从前学年中 自命情种 一出手爱得比较重
G:來年換時空 應該長進 再愛定更松容
C:曾撞板 先知我因為愛 曾經多失控
G:回望过去也面红 爱上你似漫游外太空

C:全靠當天喜歡過錯的人  G:今天先會自我解困

C:明白小小的失戀不害人  G:更加添我成熟感

C:無法一起都總算愛過些人  G:借過你體溫練習擁吻

C:留下你合照細望才知道  G:我跟他人更合襯

合:全靠當天喜歡過錯的人 今天先會自我解困
G:無論初戀多麼的感動人 更好的愛前面等
合:無法一起都總算愛過些人 借過你體溫練習擁吻
G:明白要讓我這樣年輕過 C:至懂得誰最 合襯
发表于 2009-4-30 06:26:55 | 显示全部楼层

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