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发表于 2009-4-10 00:25:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



第一种,以历史角度来看而所谓的女巫,也就是15世纪女巫猎杀时期遭受到迫害,被冠上女巫罪名的女人们,讲白一点就是假女巫. 在这些受害者当中,百分之九十以上并非真正的女巫,她们可能只是到家附近采个野花什麼的,或者运气差一点住家附近有人病了,这个女人就会莫名其妙地被冠上女巫施法害人的罪名.其迫害的手段十分惨烈.....最为人所知的就是火刑.  


第二种, 传统的女巫.  

传统的女巫,必须要加入女巫集会,也就是coven. coven有严格的阶级制,在  
coven中,女巫们学习著各种知识. 举凡占星(天文),药草(医疗与魔法).....等.因为当时的欧洲,知识是处於混沌未开的情况.只有贵族和修道士(monk),有机会受教育.故这批掌握了知识力量而不愿随著世俗的愚卤沉沦的女人们,在常人的眼中是神秘而骇人,因为不知她们掌握了何种力量;在教会人士的眼中是大佞不道!因为女巫们并不信奉上帝.而在女巫并不信奉撒旦的情况下,教会竟强扣了女巫是撒旦信徒的大帽子.......这是有点可笑的,毕竟女巫们真正的归依是大地之母Mother of the nature,而非上帝或撒旦任何一个,上帝和撒旦是基督教的东西.  

当然,在女巫信仰中占十分重要一部份的,是所谓的咒术(the magic of spell) . 咒术能否成真, 靠得是心灵力量(energy)的强弱.  


的知识也不可或缺.所以我们可以说,成为女巫的第一要件,是要有强烈的求知欲。 在生活作息上与常人并没有什麼太大的不同.如果真要讲,就是有著更丰富的想像力(imagination) ,因为咒术的力量,想像力也占了很重要的一部份.  


  1. We Practice Rites.
  We practice rites (small parts of rituals) and rituals (sacred ceremonies) to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the Moon phases and the seasonal quarters and cross-quarters.
  2. We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment.
  We seek to live in total harmony and ecological balance with Nature, offering fulfillment to life and consciousness within an evolutionary concept. Because we are smarter than most animals we have a responsibility to take care of the plant and animal world. We believe that the world of humans, animals, and plants are all a part of divinity, and therefore interconnected.
  3. We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than is apparent to the average person.
  Because this is far greater than any ordinary power, we sometimes give this force the name "supernatural" However, we see this power as lying within that which is natural potential to everyone.
  Wiccans believe that they are not separate from the divine, but part of the divine, and that all people, animals and plants are encompassed in divinity. We are in God/dess and God/dess is within us.
  4. We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity -- as masculine and feminine -- and that his Creative Power lives in all people.
  We hold that this power functions through the interaction of the masculine and feminine. We values neither above the other, knowing each to be supportive of the other. We values sexuality as pleasure, as the symbol and embodiment of life, however, we also believe that no one should be pushed into a sexual union and that safe sex should be practiced at all times.
  5. We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological, worlds.
  Inner worlds are sometimes known respectively as the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconscious, the Inner Planes, and so on.We see in the interaction of the outer and inner dimensions as the basis for paranormal phenomena (things that go bump in the night, ESP, clairaudience, clairvoyance, etc.and magickal exercises. We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment. We do not run around like crazy people saying that we are cursed or that astral nasties are going to get us. We believe there is a scientific answer for all phenomena even if science hasn't discovered it yet, and we feel there is always a way to interact with the inner and outer world that does not bring harm to ourselves or to others.
  内心世界有时候被分开的认为是精神世界,无意识的集合,内心的界面(心的着陆点)等等 我们把内外交感的维数?视为超常规的现象比如夜间星体的撞击、超自然感应、顺风耳、千里眼等等) 当然还包括魔法练习。 我们重视自己履行的事实重于道听途说我们不会想那些发疯的人所说的到处招摇撞骗、充满邪恶,那只会毁掉我们自己。 我们相信任何现象都会有一个科学的解释,哪怕可能到至今科学尚未发现他们,同时我们能感觉总会有一个合适的方法让我们的内心与外部世界的融洽而不伤害任何人和我们自己。
  6. We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy.
  Though we do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership.This means that we don't have a Witch-Pope. Our students are taught to honor their teachers. You will hear the word "Pagan Leader", but this term is used loosely.
  7. We see religion, magick, and wisdom-in-living as united in the way one views the world and lives within it.
  This is our world view and philosophy of life, which we identify as WitchCraft. Wiccans feel that body, mind, and Spirit are all one.
  8. Calling oneself "Witch" does not make a Witch or a Wiccan.
  But neither does heredity itself, nor the collecting of titles, degrees, and initiations. Just because you have a website or magickal screen name and call yourself a Witch doesn't mean you are oneA Witch seeks to control the forces within him/herself that make life possible to live wisely and well, without harm to others, and in harmony with nature. We work with the natural elements (earth, air, fire, water) and Spirit to manifest what we desire. This also means that if you get on the internet and say mean things about people, try to belittle others in a chat room, or act like a rude idiot, you are NOT a Witch, because real Witches, if they are following these principles, don't act that way. A Witch is defined how he or she lives, not by what they call themselves. Lying, cheating, violence, threatening, stealing, etc., are not the Wiccan Way.
  但是两者本身并非存在形质上的遗传的没有选择的余地、程度、开始。 就是说因为你有一个法器或者魔法斗篷,别人就回把你成为魔法师一个真正的女巫不会借以伤害别人的方法去获取增强魔法的能量,而是通过与自然的融洽相处借以提升自己的力量。我们运用自然的元素(土、气、火、水)和精神来表现我们的要求。这同样的意思是,如果你在这里轻视别人,并且表现得象个粗鲁的傻瓜,你就不是一个真正的女巫,因为真正的女巫会遵循上面的那些原则,而不会那样无礼的对待别人。一个被定义为女巫身份的人,不是因为自己被称呼为女巫就是女巫的,这还要以他们的生活言行来评判,谎言、欺骗、暴力、偷盗,决不是做为女巫的行径。
  9. We acknowledge the central role of the affirmation and fulfillment of life.
  We believe that it is this principle, as part of a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness, that gives a real meaning to the universe we know, and to our personal role within that Universe.
  This also means that we believe in life after death. Witches believe they go to The Summerland (which is much like heaven). Most Witches also believe in reincarnation.
  10. Our only animosity toward Christianity, or toward any other religion or philosophy of life, is...
  to the extent that these institutions have claimed to be "the one true right and only way" and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practices and belief.
  This means that we feel that it is wrong for another person to condemn a someone on the basis of religion. We think that fundamentalism in any religion is wrong.
  11. We do not feel threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, or the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions.
  We concern ourselves with our present and our future, acknowledging that past, present, and future is a matter of individual perception. The Craft encourages historical research and we do not depend on what "they" did, rather we are more concerned about what "we" do.
  12. We do not accept the concept of "absolute evil"...
  ...nor do we worship any entity known as "Satan" or "The Devil" as defined by Christian tradition. We do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor do we accept the concept that personal benefits can be derived only by denial to another.
  我们并不象传统教徒那样崇拜“撒旦”或恶魔,我们 也不会通过让其他人受苦难来获得力量,我们也不接受否认他人而获得自己利益的观念
  This means that any person involved in Witchcraft does not involve themselves in smear campaigns, does not intentionally harm others through gossip, and does not blame their own failings on other people or a mythical entity. Witches are responsible for their own actions. Witches believe that people create evil, not some invisible guy you can't see. Satan belongs to the Christian and Jewish religions. Wiccans do not believe that Satan exists.
  13. We work within Nature for that which is contributory to our health and well-being.
  Not bound by traditions from other times and other cultures we owe no allegiance to any person or power greater than the Divinity manifest through our own being. 。 We welcome and respect all life-affirming teachings and traditions. We seek to learn from all and to share our learning。We do not wish to open ourselves to the destruction of WitchCraft by those on self-serving power trips,or to philosophies and practices contradictory to these principles. In seeking to exclude those whose ways are contradictory to ours, we do not want to deny participation with any person who carries a sincere interest in our knowledge and beliefs, regardless of race, color, sex, age, national or cultural origin, or sexual preference.
  我们以自己的形式出现并存在,不受来自其他文化的传统习俗的限制,不效忠任何人或力量.我们欢迎尊敬其他生命形式的教导与惯例。 我们不断学习和寻找、分享我们的知识我们不希望因为开放我们的技能而被那些自私的能力所运用和毁灭, 或由于哲学与实践的相驳而产生对抗/歧异。 我们反对这些并非意味着我们反对对我们的知识体系有兴趣的真诚的朋友分享我们的信仰,无论种族、肤色、性别、年龄、国家、文化或性别取向
  This means that Wicca can be for everybody and Wiccans can interact with anyone they choose. It also means that in a training situation, if we feel that an individual is not ready for the type of information we have to offer, we can choose to withdraw the information. We also feel that if someone is being a jerk, we don't have to share what we know.
发表于 2009-4-10 00:37:21 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-4-10 01:24:24 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-4-10 15:33:26 | 显示全部楼层
哦的印象中  女巫都是骑着扫把满天飞的~~~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-16 11:23:33 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-4-16 11:27:09 | 显示全部楼层

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