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rob zombie的死亡世界~!

发表于 2008-7-1 09:36:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Rob Zombie                                                            
1966年1月12日出生,他出生的地方叫Haverhill,是个制鞋业发达的小城市。“那里没有什么电影院或唱片店,”Rob说:“我记得小时候,孩子们惟一的游戏场所只有一座公墓,我们在那踢足球或打棒球。比我大的孩子就在墙上乱刻些“Black Sabbath”之类的东西,。记得有次我们得到了一张Madonna的海报,简直高兴极了,甚至为它搞了一次展览。”同时,看电视也成了Rob打发时间的好办法。他回忆说:“我什么都看,从早上的新闻一直看到晚上结束。”Rob能记住一周的电视节目单,而且他吃饭睡觉上厕所等等也是根据节目单安排的。正是这种病态的习惯让少年时的Rob Zombie精神非常混乱。“那段经历肯定对我产生了巨大影响。我记得小时候看《Willy Wonka and the Chocalate Factory》,我真的信以为真。直到长大后才意识到那些都是假的,于是我对自己说为何不弄假成真呢。”Rob和他的兄弟Mike把电视看的非常重要,他们经常把自己想像的怪物或场景画出来,他们的想像力在当地艺术老师的鼓励下得到了充分的发挥。而Rob Zombie的父亲同样不想扼制儿子身上的反传统倾向。“父亲总是对我们说:‘努力表现自己,你们是最好的!’”

少年的这段经历最终使Rob Zombie发展成一个极端理想主义者。“如果有人非要告诉我什么东西是好的,我会发疯,对我来说没有非常好的东西,”Rob回忆说:“我记得有时候经常与别人意见不和,当时我就对自己说:‘这事太糟糕了,我要毁了它!’我的妈妈经常说:‘小心我把你送到精神病院里去。’而老师则经常问我:‘究竟是什么原因使你痛恨一切事物?’这是我终生铭记的一句话。

1981年, Rob和兄弟Mike看了一支Hardcore乐队的演出,他立刻对这种表现自我的方式产生了浓厚的兴趣。回到家后他们互相给对方剪了一个奇怪的发型。四年以后,在纽约市的一所艺术学校,Rob Zombie认识了弹贝司的女孩Sean Yselnt,音乐上的志同道合更使他们之间的关系显得非同一般。“我们一直都想组一支乐队,因为我们之间有非常相近的音乐爱好,” Sean后来说:“Rob喜欢Kiss、 Van Halen和The Misfits,而我喜欢The Cramps,我们也都喜欢Black Sabbath。”这种想法为以后White Zombie的成立奠定了基础。之后两人开始一起探索音乐上的突破,并偶尔在洒吧演出。但他们在一起的时间并不全部是做音乐和睡觉,为了满足经济上的需要,他们不得不从事一些其他工作,有段时间他们甚至在一家色情杂志做投递员,这段经历对Rob以后在视觉效果方面的设计产生了很大影响。与此同时,Rob在音乐实验上的突破——噪音采样与硬核节奏的融合加上其扭曲怪异的嗓音,逐渐吸引了许多乐迷,随着影响的不断扩大,Rob又先后找到了吉他手Jay Yuenger和鼓手Ivan dePrume,并最终为自己的乐队命名为White Zombie——一本1932年出版的畅销恐怖小说的书名。

从此,Rob Zombie开始致力于在乐队身上寻找自己小时候的梦想:从专辑封套、T恤、舞台表现到音乐录影带,这简直让他沉醉了。“我从来不认为那是件苦差事,我热爱自己所做的一切,”Rob强调说:“面对一幅完美的画面你会有什么感觉呢?当你的爱好变成你的职业时,就意味着再也没有休息的时间了。”在以后的日子里,乐队独立发行了一系列唱片:1986年的《Psycho—Head Blowout EP》、1987年的《Soul Crusher》、1989年的《Make Thom Die Slonly》和《God Of Thunder》,然而这一切都不过是乐队迈向成功的垫脚石。

随着乐队在纽约演出的巨大成功,著名的Geffen公司对White Zombie产生了浓厚兴趣并最终把它签了下来。1992年,乐队发表了一张引起轰动的唱片:《La Sexorcisto:Devil Music Volume I》,它得到了各种各样的评论:批评家们认为它是本年度最邪恶但又最引人注目的唱片;MTV家喻户晓的动画人物《Beavies and Buthead》认为它“Hah hah……Cool”。《La Sexorcisto》最终卖出了200万张,并使乐队获得了两项葛莱美奖提名。而在另一方面,宗教界把他们列入禁止范围,井关照父母不要让自己的孩子参加这类有“潜在危害”的演唱会。乐队成员对此持冷淡态度,Sean笑着说:“他们难道就没听说过Marilyn Manson或GWAR?”为了配合这张唱片的发行,White Zombie开始巡演。在首场演唱会期间,鼓手dePume被短命的Phil Buerstatte所取代。但时隔不久,在演出即将结束时,乐队又换上了新鼓手John Tempesta。随后在Geffen公司的大力支持下,乐队获得了充分的时间和创作空间,他们用了7个月的时间去创作和录音。所有沉闷的工作和艰苦的劳动都得到了回报:新专辑《Astro Creep 2000》以全新的面目出现在世人面前。它明显不同于乐队以前的任何一张唱片——在 Techno风格的摇摆和疯狂的节奏感上的完美结合,使这张唱片被视为极具创造力的音乐。这张唱片把White Zombie推向了辉煌的极至:在Billboard Top l0排行榜上停留了两个月,在Top 200的停留时间则长达89周;其中的单曲《More Human Than Human》获得了MTV的最佳硬摇滚录影带奖,并获得一项葛莱美提名。而《Rolling Stone》杂志则把White Zombie推上了最佳金属乐队的位置。后来Rob的老邻居Gerard Cosloy回忆说:“Rob通常总把他想做的事设计得尽善尽美。而White Zombie的确是一支非常有才华的乐队,他们的思想内涵甚至已经超出了自己的生命,这与那些偏狭、怪异的朋克乐有天壤之别。早就有人预言Rob注定将成为美国青少年心目中的偶像。”

常言道:物极必反。最绚烂的光华背后往往隐藏着永恒的黯淡,White Zombie也不能例外。虽然乐队获得了非常巨大的商业成功,但与Rob的理想却相去甚远。“我觉得在我的面前竖起了一座高墙,我可不想仅仅因为别人不喜欢就把自己的得意之作束之高阁,我可不想只为了钱而出唱片,那简直就是自甘堕落!”于是White Zombie最终以解散而告终。或许在Rob的精神世界里,原本就不能让别人驻足,他重新带着童年的黑梦踏上了漫漫征途。在紧张工作了十个月之后,Rob Zombie于1998年8月推出了首张个 人专辑《Hellbilly Deluxe》,一张尽情展示Rob Zombie疯狂内心世界的唱片。“这是一张放纵自我的专辑,里面倾注了我极深的情感,它是一个愤怒的邪恶猛兽——彻头彻尾的Zombie式的作品。”在这张专辑中,鼓手仍是原White Zombie的鼓手John Tempesta、贝司手是Blasko”Nicholson,吉他手则找来了NIN的Danny Lohner。同时随专辑赠送一本由Rob Zombie亲自创作的24页的精美小册子。“这是对购买者的一种回馈,”Rob说:“我在一个注重包装的全盛时代长大,那时的唱片通常能使我看上一个小时。现在呢?你打开一个唱片的包装却什么也看不到。每逢此时我总有种被欺骗的感觉。”

现在的Rob Zombie已经不仅仅只涉足于摇滚乐领域。在White Zombie解散后,Rob就被授权为恐怖影片《The Crow》的第三部撰写剧本并担任导演,这得以使他很快从乐队解散的沮丧中摆脱出来。要不是后来由于一时的心血来潮而便Rob重新投入到新专辑及巡演的话,这部电影只怕早已搬上屏幕了。现在的Rob Zombie又开始打算在银幕上实践自己的构想了,他说:“没有人知道自己到底想要取得怎样的成功,甚至也没有人知道成功到底是什么,它其实就是一部谁也拍不出的完美影片。”今年的《House of 1000 Corpses》也是Rob Zombie执导的,虽然故事很老旧,但美术设计和人物造型,却有一看的价值,设计方面明显地下过心思。无法否认,Rob Zombie的唱片和电影,即使再卖座,肯定难登大雅之堂,而且一定会受到卫道士们的唾弃。

Black Sunshine
gripping the wheel, his knuckles
Went white with desire! the wheels
Of his mustang exploding on the
Highway like a slug from a .45.
True death: 400 horsepower of
Maximum performance piercing the
Night... this is black sunshine.) yeah! move me in the
Silence baltic motorway hang me on the edge before i
Fall away - apocalypse is dawnin' action on the mile. a
The ride - black sunshine - sweet'n the ride - yeah - sweet'n
The ride - black sunshine - sweet'n the ride - yeah! cry a
River "cosmic" - moon in scorpio, feel her body "breathe" -
Acid radio - tell me that you like it - when i'm going
Down! tell me that you like it - move to the speed of
sweet'n the ride - black sunshine - sweet'n the ride
- yeah - sweet'n the ride - black sunshine - sweet'n the ride
- yeah! go! slide into - i said "44" cool heart can - a
Hypnotize dream into infinity - i turned the love to lies
- crawl across the water - wave and sink into the sea -
Reflect'n onto everything - that you can never be
"check-out" yeah! to the devil a daughter comes 2000
Worlds away yeah born to lose the love you choose -
Destroy another day - check out!! sweet'n the ride black
Sunshine - sweet'n the ride yeah! sweet'n the ride black
Sunshine - sweet'n the ride - stare into the t.v. kiss off
The pain! wonderland is falling - no sing - no rain
Momentary - damage into the high drift me to the
Circuit sky (finally nothing moves. high noon - blacktop
Rolling below the asphalt drive - a concrete fascination
Scraping the edge of nothing - this is blacksunshine.)

Demon Speeding remix
Hey, do ya love me. I'm untouchable darkness
A dirty black river to get you through this
Hey, do ya love me I'm a devil machine
(hey do ya love me I'm a devil machine)
Get into my world all american dream
In the mouth of madness
down in the darkness
no more tomorrow
down in the hollow
Hey do ya love it when the kids are screaming
Wrecking on the road violate their dreaming
Hey, do ya love to see the filth in the clean
(hey do ya love to see the filth in the clean)
get into the gone all american dream
In the mouth of madness
down in the darkness
no more tomorrow
down in the hollow
i'm demon speeding
i'm demon speeding
i'm demon speeding
i'm demon speeding
get it on
get it on
get it on
get it on come alive
Hey, do ya love me elevating the madness
(Hey, do ya love me elevating the madness)
a super death rising to get you through this
(a super death rising to get you through this)
hey, do ya love me like a beautiful fiend
get into my world all american dream
In the mouth of madness
down in the darkness
no more tomorrow
down in the hollow
i'm demon speeding
i'm demon speeding
i'm demon speeding
i'm demon speeding

More human than human
yeah i am the astro-
Creep a demolition
Style hell american
Freak yeah - i am the
Crawling dead - a
Phantom in a box
Shadow in your
Head say acid
Suicide freedom
Of the blast read
The fucker lies yeah -
Scratch off the -
Broken skin - tear
Into my heart make
Me do it again yeah

More human than human (6 times)

Yeah i am the jigsaw
Man i turn the
World around
With a skeleton hand say -
I am electric head a cannibal galore a
Television said
Yeah do not victimize
Read the mother
Fucker-psychoholic lies yeah -
Into a psychic war i
Tear my soul
Apart and i
Eat it some more yeah

More human than human (6x)

I am the ripper
Man a locomotion
Mind love american
Style yeah i am
The nexus one i
Want more life
Fucker i ain't
Done - yeah

Lords of Salem
I speak the truth,
I dare not tell a lie,
One child is in fits,
The other child dies,
Now the yellow bird sits upon her finger,
The yellow bird a specter lost to linger,

God Hates - The Lords of Salem,
No can ever save them,
God Hates - The Lords of Salem,
No one can destroy them,

Do you think they suffered,
Up on Gallows Hill?
Burn me and hang me,
And I always will,
Tumble like a swine,
A victim of the fury,
Glory to the saint,
Before you start to bury,

God Hates - The Lords of Salem,
No can ever save them,
God Hates - The Lords of Salem,
No one can destroy them,

God Hates - The Lords of Salem,
No can ever save them,
God Hates - The Lords of Salem,
No one can destroy them,

time to die
Time To Die
Time To Die
Time To Die

Silhouetting, complicating
Whom to dare ? I do not care
What is form and exploration
Everything is everywhere
Increase time and spin around it
Ready for another day
Power up and memorize it
Snap the mag and blow away.

Time To Die
Time To Die
Time To Die

Pin Eyed God
Get away
Pin Eyed God
Here to stay, yeah
Pin Eyed God
Break on you
Pin Eyed god
Break on you

Time To Die
Time To Die
Time To Die

I rejecting ? back and building
Where you stare I do not care
What is crawling and competing
Everything is everywhere
Deep inside you get around it
Reaching back another day
Jump it up and feel the heat
You snap the mag and blow away.

  Dead I am the one, Exterminating son
Slipping through the trees, strangling the breeze
Dead I am the sky, watching angels cry
As they slowly turn, conquering the worm
Dig through the ditches, Burn through the witches, I slam in the back of my
Dig through the ditches, Burn through the witches, I slam in the back of my
Dead I am the pool, spreading from the fool
Weak anmd want you need, nowhere as you bleed
Dead I am the rat, feast upon the cat
Tender is the fur, dying as you purr
Dig through the ditches, Burn through the witches, I slam in the Back of my
Dig through the ditches, Burn through the witches, I slam in the Back of my
Do it baby, Do it baby
Do it baby, Do it baby
Burn like an animal
Dead I am the life, dig into the skin
Knuckle crack the bone, 21 to win
Dead I am the dog, hound of hell you cry
Devil on your back, I can never die
Do it baby, Do it baby
Do it baby, Do it baby
Burn like an animal
Dig through the ditches, Burn through the witches, I slam in the Back of my
Dig through the ditches, Burn through the witches, I slam in the Back of my
Dig through the ditches, Burn through the witches, I slam in the Back of my
Dig through the ditches, Burn through the witches, I slam in the Back of my

[ 本帖最后由 sanjohn 于 2008-7-2 18:23 编辑 ]


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和平之火 + 10 è??è????? ?????…?????? ??‘?????????è????


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