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发表于 2008-6-9 00:23:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Major Arcana


0、The Fool: 开始了一个旅程,钻研于倾听进入了未知,跨越式的信念,愚蠢的行为,一个天真的人,在寻找经历.
reversed :不清楚,不小心,粗心大意,轻浮,精神萎靡,堕落。
Ⅰ.The magician: 一个具有伟大统治性的权力,连接到精神的世界,丰富的创造力和知识,坚强的意志,更自信。
reversed :软弱的心灵,倾向于滥用权力。
Ⅱ.THE HIGH PRIESTESS: 明智,冷静和肯定,拥有了一个直观的性质,很神秘或者具有开创性,坚韧或欺骗性的时候,有科学知识。
Ⅲ.THE EMPRESS: 赐予生命,哺育优势和积极女性,有时自我放纵,以表扬他们的激情,性和生育能力。
Ⅳ.THE EMPEROR:传达权力的像征,安定、坚固、踏实和保护、宽厚通融,明辨事理及负责任的品格,良好的自我控制的,刚强果断但又是公平的。
Ⅴ.THE HIGH PRIEST: 心灵智慧的导师,忠诚和慈悲,严格的传统价值观念,不愿探索新的道路。
Ⅵ.THE LOVERS:性吸引力,美丽和爱情,道德的选择,从对立到统一,困难得以克服。
Ⅶ.THE CHARIOT:在战斗上取得凯旋,一个有力量的品格,需要坚定的情绪控制,。
Ⅸ.THE HERMIT:一段时间的沉思,寻求智慧,从世界中孤立和退出,审慎的性质,腐朽势力的指数可能提高
Ⅹ.WHEEL OF FORTUNE:在不断发展的循环寿命,期望戏剧性的变化,命运的接管,财富和运气普遍存在。 reversed:面临的一个挑战,活动受限,超额丰度或增加。
Ⅻ.THE HANGED MAN:具有识别能力,良知的有识别能力, 深悟后果,作出自我牺牲以获取智慧、心灵上的成长,从过去的错误中学习进步,信任的预言, reversed:狭隘,迫于同侪压力
ⅩⅢ.DEATH: 非自愿改变目前的情况下,一种过渡状态,破坏和重建,减轻负担。 reversed:害怕或拒绝改变.停滞,嗜睡,睡觉。
ⅩⅣ.TEMPRTANCE:耐心和节制,俭朴的本质,怜悯、平衡正义,沉思后而采取的行动,。 reversed:宗教热情,基础情感上的行动,相互竞争利益。
ⅩⅤ.THE DEVIL:以非凡的必要的努力来逃避诱惑,人性黑暗的一面,自私,傲慢,罪恶,暴力,斗争和压迫。 reversed:整体道德纤维的弱化。
ⅩⅥ.THE TOWER:意想不到的纷争和动乱,破坏,痛苦,灾难,逆境或耻辱,突然受干预的命运,有机会获得新的开始。 reversed:迫害,监禁,专制。
ⅩⅦ.THE STAR:希望和信念,有光明的前景,无私和奉献,其中一个慷慨的本质,损失或遗弃之处的重建。 reversed:不应挑剔计较,屈尊俯就或傲慢的性质,损失,无力、虚弱。
ⅩⅧ.THE MOON:生命中的光明与阴暗,神密幻想,沉迷于恶梦的幻境,充满诗意遗弃的原因,从恐惧中尝试喜悦。
ⅩⅨ.THE SUN:成功的,对未来的希望,一个幸运的婚姻,生育,新的机遇和繁荣稳定,有信心。 reversed:圆满上涨经过努力。
ⅩⅩ.JUDGEMENT:属灵的重生,清算过失、改过错误,给予并接受宽恕,转变职能或更新。 reversed:软弱,懦弱,是不愿意接受改变。
ⅩⅩⅠ.THE WORLD:实现和保证成功,成熟,完成,标志着航程的结束或乔迁。 reversed:停滞状态,没有延误,一种固定的状态被孤立。


    宫庭卡,其中包括国王,王后,骑士和仆人 ,像征一般人的特性或某些具有特质的人的.他们也可能读出在某些人身上正在发生的事情,或正要发生的问讯。对于男性或女性的事项,在通常情况下不会完全体现一个人的性格特征,而是展现双方的两性关系。


KING OF WANDS:迷人的,聪明体贴,有保证和信心,诚实和慷慨的人。
QUEEN OF WANDS:纯洁,有爱心和光荣,要实事求是地渴求物质丰富和财富。
KNIGHT OF WANDS:喜爱的,善良的,有活力和固执的,不可预知的,也指背离目标或变更住所。
KNAVE OF WAMDS:热心的、纯真的爱人,活泼、积极和开放的,真实的,带来不寻常的消息,这个人不是个危险的对手。
ACE OF WANDS:创造力,创新和企业成功,伟大的创造时代,代表开始、出生、财富、继承,家中的事情。
TWO OF WANDS:拥有坚强的意志和高水准,没有婚姻,但有丰富的财富,生理压力,是作出决定的时期。
THREE OF WANDS:缠绕在一起,并必将在已建立的行业或企业,商业上的成功,探索,是英雄之举,涉及一些牺牲自我。
FOUR OF WANDS:欢乐与和谐,简单的乐趣,和平与繁荣的成就,在艰苦工作后享受成果,愿意分享。
FIVE OF WANDS:不可避免的问题和被拖延,烦恼,竞争的加剧,斗争的财富和富裕,技能和远见卓识可能实现其目标。
SIX OF WANDS:有信使带来好消息,成功和胜利,乐观的看法,有生产力和充满活力的时期。
SEVEN OF WANDS:考虑和讨论的时期,挑战来临,以克服,勇气和决心,在激烈的需要,成功地实现一个目标。
EIGHT OF WANDS:决策迅速进展,有目标,仓促作出决定,将有大量的机会来到,可采取包括爱在内的行动。
NINE OF WANDS:用实力和决心来克服障碍,真正的、纯粹的目的,这种与孤独的契约或有知识的情况正在改变。
TEN OF WANDS:具有诱惑性的成功,财富和获得事业上的奖赏,在进行中带着负担、压力,压迫,最终可能会失败的诉讼。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-9 00:24:21 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-9 00:26:18 | 显示全部楼层
The Major Arcana

The major Arcana consists of 22 cards which represent archetypes of people, physical,emotional and spiritual states,virtues,vices and possible destinies.Certain cards may symbolize an actual person or a personality trait. The major arcana also represents one’s journey through life or a particular circumstance.The Fool traditionally depicts one who is just starting out on the journey and The World is the time or place where that journey comes to its completion.The cards are interpreted according to their position in the spread and the outlook of the individual being read.What one person may consider to be an obstacle,may appear as a challenge to others.The cards also hold separate meanings,sometimes to the contrary,when they appear reveresd or inverted. 0、  The Fool: Divinatory Meaning: the beginning of a journey,delving heedlessly into the unkown,a leap of faith,a folly, one who is naive,or seeking experience.


Ⅰ.The magician:a great harnessing of power,a link to the spirit world,a wealth of creatvity and knowledge,a strong will, much self-confidence.
Reversed:Weakness of the mind,a tendency to abuse power.
Ⅱ.THE HIGH PRIESTESS:wise,calm and sure,possessing an intuitive nature,mysterious,also tenacious or deceptive at times,having scientific knowledge.
Reversed:Passionate,conceited,defensive,a know-it-all.
Ⅲ.THE EMPRESS:a giver of life,nurturing,a dominant and active female, self-indulgent at times,signifying passion,sexually and fertility.
Reversed:Truth,diplomacy,difficulty expressing emotion,indecisive.
Ⅳ.THE EMPEROR:conveys authority,stability and protection,a reasonable and responsible character,good self-control,firm yet fair.
Reversed:Compassionate,and benevolent,domineering and a tendency to be inflexible.
Ⅴ.THE HIGH PRIEST: spiritual wisdom,faithfulness and mercy,strictly traditional values,a reluctance to explore new paths.
Reversed:Socially skilled, a firm grasp of reality,a weakness for indulging the needs of others.
Ⅵ.THE LOVERS:sexual attraction,beauty and love,a moral choice to be made,the drawing together of opposites,difficulties overcome.
Reversed:Problematic relationship,opposition,rebellion against authority.
Ⅶ.THE CHARIOT:triumph in battle,a forceful character,the need of firm emotional control,one who is vengeful.
Reversed:Quarrel,upheaval,a weakness of will,a dispute which may result in litigation and defeat.
Ⅷ.JUSTICE:an impartial and honest point of view,to reach and abide by a fair decision,reaping what one sows,putting right past wrongs.
Reversed:Bigotry,a biased decision,severe in administering punishment.
Ⅸ.THE HERMIT:a period of contemplation,a search for wisdom,isolation and withdrawal from the world,a prudent nature,possible indicator of corruptive forces,
Reversed:Paranoia,reclusive to corruptive of fearfulness.
Ⅹ.WHEEL OF FORTUNE:the ever-evolving cycle of life,expect dramatic changes,destiny takes over,fortune and luck are prevalent forces.
Reversed:Facing a challenge,controlling events,an over-abundance or increase.
Ⅺ.STRENGTH:determination,irresistible will,the fortitude of character,courage,action,mind over matter,an ability to persuade others.
Reversed:Weakness,timidity,despondency,an abuse of power,tyranny.
Ⅻ.THE HANGED MAN:discerning, intuitive,heedful of consequences,making a self-sacrifice to acquire wisdom,learning from past mistakes,trusting in prophecy,
Reversed:Narrow minded,bowing to peer pressure.
ⅩⅢ.DEATH: an involuntary change of current circumstances,a transitory state,destruction and renewal,the lightening of a burden.
Reversed:A fear of or a refusal to change.stagnation,lethargy,sleep.
ⅩⅣ.TEMPRTANCE:patience and moderation,a frugal nature,justice balanced with mercy,action taken after contemplation.
Reversed:religious fervor,actions based on emotion,competing interests.
ⅩⅤ.THE DEVIL:an extraordinary effort is required to escape temptation,the dark side of human nature,selfishess,arrogance,sin,violence,struggle and oppression.
Reversed:An overall weakening of moral fiber.
ⅩⅥ.THE TOWER:unexpected strife and upheaval,ruin,misery,havoc,adversity or disgrace,a sudden intervention of fate,the chance for a new beginning.
ⅩⅦ.THE STAR:hope and faith,a bright prospect,selflessness and sacrifice,one of a generous nature,renewal after loss or abandonment.
Reversed:pettiness,a patronizing or haughty nature,loss,impotence.
ⅩⅧ.THE MOON:the light and dark of life,secret fantasies,dreams fainted with nightmares,a poetic abandonment of reason,joy tempered with fear.
Reversed:Lost in darkness,error,deception.
ⅩⅨ.THE SUN:success,hope for the future,a fortunate marriage,the birth of a child,new opportunities and prosperity stability,confidence.
Reversed:Fulfillment gained through effort.
ⅩⅩ.JUDGEMENT:spiritual rebirth,accounting for faults and stoning for mistakes,giving and accepting forgiveness,a change or renewal.
Reversed:Weakness,cowardliness,an unwillingness to accept change.
ⅩⅩⅠ.THE WORLD:attainment and assured success,maturity,completion,signifies the end of a voyage or a change of residence.
Reversed:Stagnation,a delay,a fixed state of being isolation.


The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards divided into 4 suits-Wands,Cups,Swords,and Pentacles.The suit of Wands represents the energetic essence of Fire.The suit of Cups is likened to the essence of Water,covering emotional and spiritual matters.The suit of Swords represents the essence of Air,drawing connections to intellect and the force of will.The suit of Pentacles is linked to the essence of Earth for material and ptactical concerns,Each suit uncludes four Court Cards and ten Number Cards.

The Court Cards,consisting of King,Queen,Knight and Knave,generally represent people or certain qualities of a person’s character.They may represent the person for whom the reading is being done(the inquirer)or a positive influence the inquirer.Male or female matters not,as a person may bave character traits in common with either or both of the sexes.
The Number Cards illustrate various circumstances throughout one’s life,such as joy or sorrow,failure or success,and they may be viewed as a either a negative obstacle ot a posirive influence depending on their position in the spread.The number cards follow a logical order,with Ace representing the essence or main characterisric of the suit ,also then signifying a completion and the attainment of goals.


(The element of Fire;representing creative energy,ambition,work and progress.)
KING OF WANDS:charming,wise and considerate,assured and confident,an honest and generous person.
Austere or severe in nature, a tendency to be arrogant,impatient and idealistic, impending danger.
QUEEN OF WANDS:pure,loving and honorable,also harbors a desire for material wealth yet is practical.
Obliging,emotional,tight-fisted,also signifies jealousy and perhaps even deceit or infidelity.
KNIGHT OF WANDS:well-liked,virtuous,energetic and headstrong,unpredictable,also an indicator of a departure or change of residence.
An indicator of danger,disillusionment,or an interruption of plans.
KNAVE OF WAMDS:an eager yet innocent lover,lively,positive and open,faithful,the bearer of unusual tidings,this person can possibly be a dangerous rival.
Laziness,instability,bad news.
ACE OF WANDS:creativity,innovation and enterprise,a time of great activity,a beginning,a birth,fortune,inheritance,family matters.
Loss of imagination,decadence and ruin,a chaotic period.
TWO OF WANDS:possessing strong will and high standards,indicates no marriage but a wealth of riches,physical stress,a decision to be made.
Surprise and wonderment,a willing acceptance of change.
THREE OF WANDS:entwined and bound in an established trade or enterprise,successful commerce,exploration,a heroic deed that involves some self-sacrifice.
An end to troubles,a cooperative effort.
FOUR OF WANDS:joy and harmony,simple pleasures,peace and prosperity,achievement, enjoying the results of hard work,a willingness to share.
Continued growth and prosperity.
FIVE OF WANDS:unavoidable problems and delays,petty annoyances,competition,a struggle for riches and fortune,with skill and foresight one may achieve their goal.
Conflict and probable betrayal.
SIX OF WANDS:a messenger of good news,success and triumph,an optimistic outlook,a productive and energetic time.
Doubt,a pessimistic attitude,apprehension,fear of disloyalty.
SEVEN OF WANDS:a time of consideration and discussion,a challenge to overcome,valour and fierce determination are needed to successfully achieve a goal.
Anxiety,indecision,a need for self-confidence.
EIGHT OF WANDS:making swift progress towards a goal,a hasty decision,a great amount of opportunities await,possibilities include love.
Disputes,a need to shou down and weigh options,jealousy.
NINE OF WANDS:strength and determination to overcome obstacles,a true and pure purpose,a situation that is altered signifcantly with a solitary deed or bit of knowledge.
Obstacles,adversity anad confusion.
TEN OF WANDS:the trappings of success,fortune and gain come at a price,a burden to carry,oppression,a lawsuit may end in defeat.
Obstacles,adversity and confusion.

[[i] 本帖最后由 瓶子 于 2008-6-9 00:27 编辑 [/i]]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-6-9 08:51:44 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1 +10 收起 理由
?“???? + 10 感谢第一个来支持,看不懂英文可以看中文的 ...



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发表于 2008-6-9 12:34:34 | 显示全部楼层



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?“???? + 10 谢谢小瞳姐姐,谢谢支持,嘿嘿



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发表于 2008-6-9 20:17:57 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1 +10 收起 理由
?“???? + 10 感谢支持



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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-9 22:33:50 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 血手印 于 2008-6-9 20:17 发表




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发表于 2009-9-14 14:41:14 | 显示全部楼层
额, 在下,在下那个···咳咳···那个不是太懂哦。

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发表于 2009-9-15 22:38:10 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-9-18 20:05:18 | 显示全部楼层

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