接下来我想给大家看的这个故事也许你们都已经看过了,但是不同的我是在CNN的blog里面发现的。是一个叫Cao Rui的中国人把它翻译成了英文,他把中国人伟大的母爱展现给了所有美国人以及全世界。就是这千万个地震故事中的一个,已经让美国人折服了,已经让他们深深的感动和敬佩了,也已经让他们为我们受难的同胞落下了滚烫泪。。。
P.S. 前面几句是她自己的感想和评论,我已经在句尾翻译了。故事的原版(中文版)就在这篇英文下面。[/font]
Cao Rui May 17th, 2008 337 GMT
I could not help myself crying when I read this story. (当我看到这个故事的时候,我无法止住自己的泪水)
I translated it into English and hope the mothers love is known by the world. courtesy to the originator on the Xinhua Forum. (我把这个故事翻译成了英文,希望全世界都能知道这份母爱。在此,向出自于新华社论坛,本文原作者致敬)
When she was found, her life has already faded away, crashed by fallen concrete. thru the gaps between ruins, the rescuer could see her strange posture. with her knees down, her whole body leaned forth ahead, and two thin arms standing up ground, supporting her body which is severely deformed. The scene looks quit weird and a little bit haunted.
The rescuers reached out to her and found her hopelessly dead. they called out and make some noise to see if there is other survivors. with no response, they turned to the next site contining rescue operation. There are people there calling for help. All of a sudden, The captain realised something and rushed back to the ruin. again, he stretched out his arm and searched beneath the woman with finger tips “a kid, a kid, still alive!”, he cried.
Chaos and Mess. After all the effort, the rescuers finally cleared all the concrete covering the mother’s body, a baby less then 6months was pulled out underneatch her, intact. She was sleeping in her cozy red colored yellow dotted swaddle so peaceful. totally unaware of what had happened. Doctors came forth to check out her situation and found a cell phone in her swaddling cloth. a msg was composed and left on the screen, “My deal baby, if you survive, please please remember, I love you so much”. All men and women burst into tears as they saw this msg…
Original Chinese Version
救援人员从废墟的空隙伸手进去确认了她已经死亡,又在冲着废墟喊了几声,用撬棍在在砖头上敲了几下,里面没有任何回应。当人群走到下一个建筑物的时候,救援队长忽然往回跑,边跑变喊“快过来”。他又来到她的尸体前,费力的把手伸进女人的身子底下摸索,他摸了几下高声的喊“有人,有个孩子 ,还活着”。
经过一番努力,人们小心的把挡着她的废墟清理开,在她的身体下面躺着她的孩子,包在一个红色带黄花的小被子里,大概有3、4个月大,因为母亲身体庇护着,他毫发未伤,抱出来的时候,他还安静的睡着,他熟睡的脸让所有在场的人感到很温暖。 随行的医生过来解开被子准备做些检查,发现有一部手机塞在被子里,医生下意识的看了下手机屏幕,发现屏幕上是一条已经写好的短信“亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活着,一定要记住我爱你”,看惯了生离死别的医生却在这一刻落泪了,手机传递着,每个看到短信的人都落泪了。
P.S. 我想说的是,现在所有的国人已经被唤醒了,让我们向这位可爱的中国人学习吧,试着去努力唤醒全世界的人,来帮助我们的同胞吧!![/font] |