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发表于 2023-10-1 11:40:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我们对一件事物作出判断时,应时刻保持清醒的头脑,When we judge something, we should maintain a clear mind at all times. 首先要用佛法的智慧来观察和抉择,其次再参照世间法。We should first use the wisdom of the Buddhadharma to observe and to discern, and then bring worldly methods to bear. 然而,现在许多人遇到事情时,只是盲目听从自己的私心或他人的分别念,Yet often when people come up against things, they only listen unthinkingly to their selfish minds or the discriminative thoughts of others. 然后人云亦云,少有自己独立的见解,更谈不上运用佛法了。Then they echo others’ opinions and rarely have their own independent views, let alone implement the Buddhadharma. 全知麦彭仁波切曾特别强调:无论我们做什么事,都必须要有智慧。The omniscient Mipham Rinpoche particularly emphasized that no matter what we do, it must be done with wisdom. 如果自己缺乏这方面的能力,就应向有头脑的人请教,If we ourselves lack this ability, then we should seek the guidance of those who have good sense. 在权衡得失之后,方可付诸行动。Only after carefully weighing the pros and cons should one then act.对修行人来讲,若欲成办某种事业,As a practitioner, if you wish to accomplish anything, 一方面应在上师面前请教,并祈祷三宝加持,on the one hand you should seek the advice of your teacher and also ask for the blessings of the Three Jewels. 同时,自己也要认真分析、反复思考。On the other hand, you need to analyze the situation with care and repeatedly reflect upon it. 若能如此,最终的选择才能称为“明智”,才能避免损人损己。Only then can the final decision be considered a wise one that will not harm you or others. 相反,假如你大事小事都独断专行,以自我为中心,If, on the contrary, you are a law unto yourself in whatever you do, make yourself the center of everything, 不经观察就随意行之,那所做之事不仅很难成就,还会带来无量后患,and willfully act without consideration, then your endeavors are unlikely to succeed and might even bring countless troubles, 最终把自己引向痛苦的深渊。leading you to the abyss of suffering in the end.
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