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发表于 2023-9-30 16:36:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
无始以来,让众生一直沉溺于无边苦海的根源,就是五毒烦恼。Since beginningless time, the root causes that have led beings to continue to wallow in the boundless sea of suffering are the five poisonous afflictions. 它是危害我们今生和来世的敌人,They are the enemies that harm our present and future lives. 因此,我们现在最应该做的,就是时时刻刻观察自己的心,Therefore, what we most need to do now is to observe our mind continually, 不让这些烦恼左右自己,更不能只注重表面行为。not let these afflictions control us, and not place value on superficial behavior. 有些人心中的五毒烦恼丝毫未减,只是表面上依止寂静的地方,装模作样地为别人宣讲佛法,Some people appear to reside in a quiet place and put on a show of teaching the Buddhadharma. In their minds, however, the five poisonous afflictions have not lessened at all. 自以为这很了不起,却不知此举并没有什么意义。These people consider themselves quite extraordinary, but they do not realize that their actions have very little meaning.如今有些人也非常简单,These days, some people are so simple. 看到一个陌生人衣饰华丽、派头不小,就认为他必定境界非凡,When they see an impressive, glamorously dressed stranger, they become convinced that this person must possess extraordinary states of awareness; 于是不加观察就盲目依止。without any further examination, they blindly become followers. 而对于修行精进、戒律清净、智慧超群的修行人,几乎很少尊重,These same people have little respect for diligent practitioners who observe pure precepts and who possess remarkable wisdom. 这种现象实在令人悲哀。This is a lamentable thing. 正如无垢光尊者所说:It is exactly as the omniscient Longchenpa said: 有智慧和功德的人不被推崇,而装腔作势、不学无术的人却备受恭敬,这就是末法时代的标志!When the wise and virtuous are not held in esteem, yet affected and ignorant ones are immensely honored, this is a mark of the Dharma age of degeneration!这些愚昧浅薄之人,在受到别人恭敬时,傲慢心也越来越增上,When these shallow, foolish people are respected by others, their arrogance also increases. 就像火上浇油一般,最终只能损人不利己。Like pouring gasoline on a fire, eventually it can only harm others without benefiting themselves. 其实,自己有什么样的境界,别人可能不知道,但自己无疑最清楚。In reality, no one is clearer about one’s state of realization than oneself. 因此,不要随便听信他人的吹嘘,而应该经常反观自心。So rather than readily believe others’ praise, you should frequently look into your own mind. 正如有位大德所说:面对别人的赞叹,若是合理,用不着生起欢喜心;It is just as one virtuous master said: When we are praised by others, if what is said is within reason, then there is no need to rejoice. 若不合理,这种赞叹也就虚妄不实,更不值得为此而沾沾自喜。If it is not within reason, then the praise is false and insubstantial—and there is even less cause to be pleased with oneself. 因此,我们要时时观察自心,不要自欺欺人。Thus, we need to observe our mind constantly and not deceive ourselves or others. 假如自己得到了宝贵的人身后,却将毕生的大多数时间用于追求名声、钱财,真正的善心却非常稀少,那就实在太可惜了!It would be a great shame if, having obtained this precious human form, we squandered most of our life chasing fame and fortune while having scarcely any true kindness within us!
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