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发表于 2023-10-6 16:50:08
以前有一个大成就者,名叫晋美彭措炯列。There was once a greatly accomplished master by the name of Jigme Phuntsok Jungne. 每年夏天,他常去石渠那一带化缘,与当地一位叫帝加佳的姑娘关系密切。Every summer, he often went on alms rounds in the Sershul area and was intimate with a girl there called Dijaja. 有一次,他给数千信众作大灌顶时,看到帝加佳姑娘也来了,Once when he was conferring a great empowerment on thousands of devotees, he saw that this girl had also arrived. 就顺手把宝瓶放在空中,毫不忌讳地抱着姑娘坐上了法座。So he casually left the ceremonial vase in midair, and with no hesitation, he carried the girl to his Dharma throne. 因为他的前世实在太过有名,Since he was remarkably famous in his former lives, 所以刚开始大家对他非常恭敬,不敢有丝毫挑剔。everyone remained very respectful initially and did not dare to find any fault with him. 但他的种种行为,看起来实在太不像一名僧人了,所以到了后来,许多人对他的态度大不如前了。Yet his various actions seemed to deviate so far from those of a monk that later, many people’s view of him dimmed. 在圆寂前的一段时间,他的行为更为疯狂,以至于寺院都将他扫地出门。During the period before he died, his actions became even crazier, to the point where even the monastery threw him out. 当他临终时,重病缠身不能下床,When he was close to death and could not leave his bed because of severe illness, 弟子们也不悉心照料。his disciples also did not carefully tend to him. 他一直非常痛苦地大喊,He constantly shouted in great pain. 弟子们听了很难为情,为怕别人笑话,His disciples were so ashamed that to avoid being ridiculed, 只好敲打着乐器,来掩盖他的惨叫声。they banged on instruments to cover up his awful cries. 他圆寂之后,人们去请教大名鼎鼎的多钦则仁波切。After he died, people went to seek the advice of the celebrated Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje. 多钦则仁波切让大家不要告诉任何人,然后拿了一把枪,Do Khyentse Rinpoche asked everyone not to tell anyone else, took a gun, 朝晋美彭措炯列的脚掌射去,and shot it toward the ball of Jigme Phuntsok Jungne’s foot, 只见一股青烟从他的头顶冒了出来。and a plume of smoke rose from the crown of his head.过后,多钦则仁波切说:“大菩萨还不知道自己已圆寂,Afterward, Do Khyentse Rinpoche said, “The great bodhisattva did not know yet that he had entered parinirvana. 我这样做了他才清楚,现在,他已经重新安住了……”Only after my action was he aware. Now, he has abided it again.” 后来,晋美彭措炯列转世为单贝宁玛活佛。Later, Jigme Phuntsok Jungne was reborn as Tulku Tenpe Nyima. 有一次,他见到前世的空行母,马上就认出来了,Once, he saw his dakini from his former life and recognized her instantly. 并说:“她现在已上了年纪,但姿色还不太衰老。”He said, “She has aged, but her beauty has not diminished much.” 又说:“我只能回忆起自己前世的空行母,其他的一切都记不起来了,为什么会这样呢?”And also, “I can recall only my dakini from my former life, but not anything else. Why is this so?” 他就是这样经常调侃自己。He was just like that, often mocking himself. |