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发表于 2008-3-9 20:28:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The ancestral planes have also now been restored. In this shift, each human shall receive a council of 12 ancestors to oversee one’s karma and one’s life. Ancestors are taking the responsibility of managing human ascension, which should have been our responsibility all along. Those working with the materials that Mila has brought through have learned to call one’s ancestors to you; and press ancestors into others around oneself to bypass the lack of planes to orchestrate ancestral connections for all humans. It is not the most recent of ancestors that were cut off from humanity in the devastation of our communication planes. Upon the North American continent, Native American ancestors from the past 10,000 years and since the fall of Atlantis have remained; so this is also for most other continents. However these are not the ancient ancestors with the larger heads that can guide the path of ascension. Therefore the ancestors that remained have not had the information required to assist in human evolution. Europe had no ancestral planes at all until as of late they began to be retrieved. All ancestral planes were pulled up as the North American race abandoned Europe and sailed to the “New World” or North American continent during the era of the Anu. This occurred 20,000 years prior to the fall of Atlantis.

祖先层现在也已被修复。在这一变迁之中,每个人将得到一个由12祖先组成的顾问团,来监管你的业力和生活(译注:本篇文章写于今年4月,自12月以来地球母亲和道又正在将祖先层继续融合为祖先集体意识的过程中,因此有关召唤祖先协助的内容,暂请读者不要进行实践;而已经召唤祖先到身边的读者,可以意愿将能量场中所有祖先先送到地心疗愈圣殿去接受地球母亲和道的安排。2007-12)。祖先正在承担起管理人类提升的责任,这本来就一直该是我们的责任。那些和Mila所写资料一起工作的人们,已经学会将祖先召唤到自己身边,并将祖先推入周围其他人身上,来绕过缺乏通讯层给所有人连接祖先的问题。在我们通讯层的毁灭中,被从人类中切断的并不是最近期的祖先。在北美大陆上,来自过去1万 地球年前、自亚特兰蒂斯没落后的北美祖先还保留着;对大部分其它大陆也是如此。然而,这些并不是有着大头颅的远古祖先——他们才是引导提升路径的祖先。因 此,留下来的祖先并不具备协助人类进化所需的信息。而欧洲则根本没有祖先层,直到最近才开始将其恢复。所有祖先层,都在北美种族在Anu时期离弃欧洲而远航到“新大陆”或说北美大陆的时候被拉走。这发生在比亚特兰蒂斯没落还要早2万地球年的时代。

There have been no ancient ancestral planes remaining except for two continents, Australia and parts of China and Tibet. In Australia and the Pacific Rim, there was some remaining connection to the more ancient larger headed humans as the ancestral planes in the grids of Earth associated had not been shattered; this was so for half of China and Tibet. Those living upon these continents have retained some connection to the ancient ones. It was in traveling downunder that Mila came into contact with her larger headed ancestors; and this provided the information and momentum for her to carry on upon her path and recover from cancer. Mila had ascended into disease and then ascended out of her condition over the following two years.

没有任何地方还残留有远古祖先层,除了2个 大洲也就是澳大利亚和部分中国(包括部分西藏)以外。在澳大利亚和太平洋边缘,尚保留有一些到更远古大头颅人类的连接,因为地球晶格层中的相关祖先层并没 有被粉碎,这对一半的中国(包括一半西藏)也是如此。那些生活在这些大陆上的人们一直保留着对远古祖先的某些联系。正是当旅行到澳大利亚时,Mila连接到了她的大头颅祖先;这为她提供了继续前进的信息和动力并从癌症中康复。Mila在那时已提升进入疾病,并在随后的2年时间又超越疾病。

Even though the ancestral planes remained in these limited regions of Earth, the ancient ones with the larger heads had given up and retracted, believing that nothing could be done to reverse the momentum towards extinction. They had become convinced that a shift towards ascension was not possible and had retracted from their planes following WWII. Over time and in the past five years of ascension amongst the human map carvers, and due to the intervention of the Tao, the ancient one’s realized that this was not true; that real ascension is possible and that they had to return to support human evolution now that it has proven that with the aid of the Tao, that it can be orchestrated.


Therefore the ancient one’s request your forgiveness for abandoning ship; and are returning now to assist in holding spiritual law in the unconscious of the human species, and managing the ancestral karma of each lineage so that all karma can be cleared, launching a time of new dream, hope, peace and ascension “home” ahead. There are many ways that the ancient ones will work with each ascending human and all humans incarnate today. This we will speak to a little later in this letter. Now we will speak to the history of Atlantis and the spiritual lessons from this time period that must come to be understood and forgiven so that the new dream ahead takes a different path into greater awareness and a journey is born of collective evolution “home’.

因 此,远古祖先请求你们原谅我们的撤离,我们现在正在回来帮助人类物种在无意识中持有灵性法则,并管理每一条血统中的祖先业力,以便业力可以被清理,从而启 动前方一个新梦想、希望、和平和提升回家的新时代。远古祖先将和每个提升者及今天的所有人类一起来工作的方式有很多。这一点我们将在这封信的后面说及一 些。现在我们将谈谈亚特兰蒂斯的历史和来自这一时代的灵性课程,那是必须来理解并宽恕的,以便前方的新梦想可以走向一条更大觉知的不同路径,并诞生一条集 体进化回家的道路。


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