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第三次世界大战 祖先层的修复 『一切万有』的核心144个大中枢太阳

发表于 2008-3-9 20:27:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Translated by 流星似火 2007-12-19

Dear Beloved upon the Red Road of Inner Discovery,


The Native American ancestors speak today about vast changes that are occurring in the manner in which humans are ascending and the support that is reaching all fields at this time from the ancestral realms. Long ago and following the fall of Atlantis in which large nuclear bombs were detonated over a region now under the Atlantic Ocean, the ancestral planes were shattered. These planes were used by those of ancient times to reach into humans upon the physical plane to settle karma that was related to the DNA that had been shared at the time that the ancestors were alive. These planes were shattered over 2/3rds of Earth’s surface. This left the ancient ancestors incapable of reaching through to humans incarnate upon many continents since this time period, which Earth estimates was roughly 10,000 years ago as she measures time (40,000 years ago as humans measure time.)

北 美祖先今天将说一说正在发生的巨大变化,这些变化是关于提升者正在提升的方式以及在此时来自祖先王国对各个方面的支持的。很久之前,就在亚特兰蒂斯没落 后,在一个现躺在大西洋底的大陆上引爆了几颗大型核炸弹,使得祖先层遭到粉碎。这些层面原本被远古时代的人们用于跟物质层上的人们保持接触,来解决与这些 祖先在世时所共享DNA中的业力的。这些层面被粉碎达地表上的2/3之大。这让远古祖先们自这个时代之后,再也无法接触到投生在各大陆的人类,地球估计这大概发生在1万地球年(4万人类年)之前。

Earth measures times as solar rotations around its 12th dimensional sun. For every four rotations of Earth around the solar sun, the sun makes one rotation around its 12th dimensional sun. The 12th dimensional sun is invisible as it is in a vibratory bandwidth above physical perception; however most can view the 12th and 18th dimensional suns related to your expanded solar system in dreamtime and while asleep. This is because vision in the dreamtime body known as the body double has no limitation, as it is an etheric expression. All in the etheric will perceive the etheric of all other life forms; it is only the physical vision that is limited to third and fifth dimensional perception. As one opens to one’s body double’s vision, then one’s vision will also cease to be limited.


Those who are gifted at opening into the unconscious will begin to perceive many things not perceived in the physical, one of which can include the life forms upon the 12th and 18th dimension, as well as other dimensions above this extending to dimension 4000 and beyond, if dimensions were measured in the small layers as we know them here. Much like a tree when cut shows layers of its growth and existence over time, and some have learned to measure how old the tree is by layers of growth within the trunk; so this is so for this region of domain; creations are layered like an onion around a sun that is at the core of All That Is. In the core of All That Is are 144 Great Central Suns that each emanates life down the dimensions associated. The life is captured in layers of dreams that are projected upon whatever is present to catch the dream and then experience the dance projected. Earth is now catching a dream to return inside the Great Central Sun that she left a very long time ago and upon a much higher dimension of life.

那些擅长于打开到无意识层面的人们,将开始觉察到物质层所不能觉察的很多事情,其中之一包括12及18维度上的生命形式,以及高于这些维度一直到4000及 更高维度的事物,假如维度是按我们在这里所知的小层面来测定的话。就象一棵被砍倒的树会显露它成长和生存的一层层年轮而有些人已经学会靠树干上的年轮来测 定树木的年龄那样,对这一统辖区域也是如此;各种造物一层层排列,就象一个洋葱一样,围绕『一切万有』核心的一颗太阳旋转。在『一切万有』的核心有144个大中枢太阳,每一个都向下面的维度发散出生命。生命在层层梦想中被投掷到什么身上就被什么捕获,并由这些捕获者来体验这些舞蹈。地球现在正在捕获一个回归到大中枢太阳的梦想,那是她很久前生活在一个高得多的生命维度时所离开的地方。

Earth catches a dream upon this dimension that allows for all experiences upon her, including the nature kingdoms, dolphins and whales along with humans. The dream surrounding Earth is also layered like an onion upon 24 planes. Many of these planes have been pressed into separate realities to contain particular polarities of thought-form that are highly destructive. This is how World War III will fail to manifest as it is manifesting upon parallel planes in the outer most layers of 18 through 24 at this time. Because world war manifests in outer nonphysical planes, it need not be experienced in physicality, as it is only the 8 planes closest to the physical that determine physical expression.


For a long time the ancestral planes related to physicality were shattered like a broken mirror. Although our ancestral nation along with each nation afflicted with this problem would have liked to restore the ancestral planes so that communication between us could occur with all humans incarnate, this was not possible due to the karma involved. Karma is like a broken record that repeats endlessly until it is forgiven. Until the original cause of how the ancestral planes shattered was uncovered, they could not be repaired, and any attempt to do so simply would revert to their previously shattered state of being. Such is the nature of karma until it is known and forgiven.

长 期以来,与物质层有关的祖先层被粉碎,就象一面破碎的镜子一样。尽管我们祖先及遭遇这一问题折磨的每个民族都愿意恢复祖先层,以便我们可以和当今投生的人 类之间达成通话,但由于牵涉到的业力,这是不可能的。业力就象一个断裂的记录无限重复自我直到被原谅为止。在祖先层如何被粉碎的原始致因被发现前,它们一 直无法被修复,任何这类尝试都只是将它们恢复到最初被粉碎的状态之中。这就是业力的性质,直到它被了解和被原谅时才能改变。

The ancestral planes were not shattered due to the nuclear annihilation of Atlantis; although energy from the annihilation was directed to the ancestral planes deliberately on the part of dark forces to shatter them. In so being, there have been 10,000 years in which most humans living in 70% of the world have had little ancestral guidance as the planes associated were not available to deliver the communications or aid humans in their life choices. Most humans also lost contact with any remaining soul and nonphysical forces at this point in time, except for a few that were gifted and talented at communicating with nature or ancestors in dreamtime and bringing this through to consciousness. Mila is very gifted at hearing and perceiving dreamtime and it is for this reason that she has been able to bring through the written materials for all to read at this time of momentum towards awakening of the human species.


As of late, the original cause of the shattering of the ancestral planes was revealed due to the ascent of the land under the Atlantic Ocean. This land is rising more rapidly in vibration due to the cleansing of very large radioactive plates of energetic movement remaining from the nuclear annihilation of Atlantis that was finally disbanded last July. These plates also ran under England and a part of France which are the only remaining above water regions that once also held Atlantean civilization. These are the same radioactive plates that cause crop circles. Surprisingly enough there have been few crop circles appearing that are new since this time; and there may not be the energetic dynamics much longer to create crop circles into the future.

最近由于大西洋底大陆的提升,祖先层被粉碎的原始致因被揭示。自亚特兰蒂斯核子毁灭所残留的大块辐射能量在去年7月 终被驱除清理的缘故,这块大地的振动正更快速提升。这些板块也在英国和一部分法国运作,它们也是曾持有亚特兰蒂斯文明的、仅有的水上地区。这些地方是同样 具有核辐射的板块,带来了麦田怪圈。令人惊讶的是,自此以后也极少有新的麦田怪圈出现,可能未来都将很少再有制造麦田圈的能量机制出现。

Crop circles are the result of photonic magnetic energy movement catching upon the radiation that sits underground that magnetizes the crops to the ground. As all photonic energy moves freely from end to end through Earth, it will no longer become trapped and crop circles will cease to form. The movement of energy will also foster the ascent of all land, and so is a necessary shift to allow for continued global ascension. Mila combs the web periodically in search of new crop circles for her Language of ONE section, and there have bee no significant crop circles useful to share in this section since August of 2006.    This is a good sign that Terra (Earth) is completing now with the karma from the era of Atlantis that this is so. (See “Language of ONE” for more information.)

发表于 2008-3-9 23:57:50 | 显示全部楼层

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