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发表于 2008-3-9 20:25:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Some of the records about Atlantean civilization have come up to be understood due to the ascent of the land under the Atlantic Ocean. The records reveal more details about life in Atlantis prior to the nuclear annihilation. The Native American Ancestors wish to share these records so that those who are ascending can choose to release any associated karma in one’s personal tapestry of ancestry. Some of the karma playing out in the current world mirror is a result of the history of Atlantis. Without the records for understanding available, it is difficult to know what to forgive enough to alter the future. Personal records reveal many ancestral experiences amongst those who are ascending. Sometimes the records are enough to allow for forgiveness; sometimes it requires the larger picture of what occurred at the time your ancestors were alive to completely forgive. It is for this purpose we share now what has been uncovered as of late due to the ascent of the land under the Atlantic Ocean.

由 于大西洋底大陆的提升的缘故,一些关于亚特兰蒂斯文明的记录已经浮现并被理解。这些记录揭示了更多有关核子毁灭前亚特兰蒂斯生活的更多细节。北美祖先希望 来分享这些记录,以便那些提升者可以选择来释放在你个人祖先织锦之中的任何相关业力。有一些在当今世界之镜中演化出来的业力,是亚特兰蒂斯历史的结果。没 有可理解的记录,就很难来明白要充分原谅什么以改变未来。提升者身上的个人记录揭示了很多祖先经历。有时候,记录足够来允许原谅,有时候它则需要祖先当时 所发生一切的更大图景以完全原谅。正是因为这一原因,我们现在分享这些最近由于大西洋底大陆的提升所揭示的记录。

Atlantean humans were the descendents of the Family of Anu, a white Pleiadian group that had relocated unto Earth to mine gold. The Anu incubated a slave nation that was also white using half Native American Indian DNA and half Anu DNA. It is because the Native American Indian DNA was used in their incubation process that our karma is heavily tied to the experiences of the Anu and Slaves. Our intention is not to write about the Anu or their slaves, but refer each to another article that the Earth Mother wrote about human history that is the first chapter in the “Complete Ascension Workbook”. This chapter begins to outline the archetypal nature and experiences of the human civilization that have come and gone, but left karmic records that cause the same experiences to recur again and again until understood and forgiven. Chapter 3 of this workbook is even more elaborate in discussing human history as revealed from the records in the land and ascending humans alike. We recommend that those who are serious about your ascension path choose to work with the information from the Complete Ascension Workbook as written by the Earth Mother, as it may be the only written information of use for this purpose at this time. (See “Chapter 1” and “Complete Ascension Workbook” for more information.)

亚特兰蒂斯人是Anu家族的后代,也就是一个迁徙到地球来挖掘金矿的昴宿星白人群体。Anu人用一半北美印第安人和一半Anu人的DNA培育了一个也是白人的奴隶种族。正是因为北美印第安人DNA被用来培育奴隶族,因此我们的业力跟Anu人和奴隶族的经历有严重牵连。我们的意图并不是来写及Anu人 或者他们的奴隶,而是提示每个读者去参考地球母亲所写人类历史的另外一篇文章,它就是『完全提升习册』的第一章。这一章开始构画人类文明中的原型性质及经 历的轮廓,它们不断浮沉但是留下了相关的业力记录,导致同样经历一再发生直到理解和原谅为止。这一习册的第三章,是当人类历史从大陆记录和人类提升的记录 中揭示时更为精细地讨论了其中的内容。我们推荐那些认真于提升道路的人们,选择去和地球母亲写作的『完全提升习册』的信息一起工作,因为这可能是在历史此 时对此目的有益的唯一书写信息(请看第一章和完全提升习册来获得更多信息)。

Atlantean populations were technologically developed, living upon a single continent about the size of North America today. The northern land of Atlantis extended towards the North Pole and was frozen and uninhabitable for the most part, not unlike Northern Canada today. The lower half of the continent experienced weather patterns not unlike Europe today, with snowy winters and mild to warm summers. The land of Atlantis has moved vastly south since this time period due to the plate tectonics as your current scientists understand. Earth chose to sink the continent of Atlantis following the nuclear annihilation in order to self heal the vast chemical poisoning from their techno-era as well as the radioactive poisons unleashed in the nuclear winter. It took Earth 800 years (3200 years as humans measure time) to fully sink Atlantis and raise new land through volcanic activity and changes in the waterways in oceans associated.

亚 特兰蒂斯人的技术很发达,他们只生活在一块大小如同今天北美洲的大陆上。亚特兰蒂斯北半部土地一直到北极,大部分是冰冻地带而无法居住,就跟今天的加拿大 一样。亚特兰蒂斯南半部土地所经历的气候就象今天的欧洲,从多雪的冬季一直到煦暖温和的夏季。亚特兰蒂斯的土地自这一时代后,由于你们当今科学家所理解到 的板块迁移运动而大部分向南迁移。在核子毁灭后,地球选择沉没亚特兰蒂斯大陆,以自我疗愈被该科技时代所严重化学毒化的事物,同时也自我疗愈核子冬天所泄 放的核辐射毒素。地球花费了800地球年(3200人类年)透过火山活动及相关大洋中各水系的改变,来完全沉没亚特兰蒂斯、升起新大陆。

Atlantis was a time not unlike present time human civilization, except that the awareness had not dropped into such a mechanical state of being and level of thought-form. Today thought-form is very mechanical repeating the same thing week after week after week, with little variation. During the era of Atlantis, the level of awareness allowed for less mechanical behavior and less boredom as a result. Technology rose to a point of not only computer and media type broadcasts as today, but also a form of transportation that used levitation rather than engines and gasoline. The levitation unfortunately was radioactive information from the Pleiades, a dream that those of Anu descent naturally were drawn to and developed. The radioactive technology and transportation became mass produced and used not only in Atlantis, but upon other continents where there was travel and communication, not unlike today. The populations however never rose to the extreme numbers known today, with global populations retaining a level of about four billion on the surface of the Earth. The need therefore in the era of Atlantis to take so many of Earth’s resources to sustain human existence was not as great as today.

亚 特兰蒂斯是一个跟当前人类文明并无什么不同的时代,除了意识没有下跌到今天这样一种机械化的状态及思想形态水平以外。今天的思想形态是非常机械化的,一周 又一周不断重复同样的事物,几乎没有什么变化。亚特兰蒂斯时代有更高的觉知水平,因此允许更少机械化的行为及更少的厌倦。那时的技术攀升到这样一个程度, 不仅有如同今天电脑和媒体类的广播,也有一种利用升空(levitation)而不是引擎或汽油来运输的方式。不幸的是,升空是来自昴宿星的辐射信息,那是一个Anu后代自然而然吸引下来发展的梦想。辐射性技术和运输不仅在亚特兰蒂斯被大量生产和利用,也在有旅行和通讯需求的其它大陆盛行,就和今天并没有什么不同。然而,那时的人口从没有上升到今天这样的极端数目,那时地表的全球人口只有约40亿。因此亚特兰蒂斯时期,花费地球如此多资源来维系人口生存的需求,并不若今天这样巨大。



The technological advancements of the times however were disturbing. The medical industry learned so much about human biology related to the Anu and Slave Nations that they could control human behavior with drugs. The drugs were derived from hormones extracted from the nervous system of animals that mimicked hormones afflicting behavior in humans. In the last 1000 years prior to the nuclear annihilation, most Atlantean civilization was drugged; children were drugged at an early age to maintain the behavior in the classroom or at home. Adults were drugged if they were unhappy, could not sleep, lacked energy, or misbehaved. If one misbehaved too much, one was hauled off and euthanized if social services decided that one could not be “rehabilitated”. Those who were aging and could not take care of themselves, except for the most wealthy of Atlantean civilization, were also generally taken by social services and euthanized. Children born deformed or dysfunctional were also euthanized. Adults that did not fit in to standard “normal” behavior also were hauled off and euthanized. There were no insane asylums or prisons in this time period as Atlantean governance chose to take their lives away instead. This was to create a “perfect” Arian civilization.

然而,那个时代的先进技术是带来了很多麻烦的。那时的医疗体系学习到了有关Anu人和奴隶族的太多人类生物性知识,以至于可以透过各种药物来控制人类行为。药物是从动物神经系统所分泌的、模仿人类抑制行为的荷尔蒙中提取的。在核子毁灭前的100年, 亚特兰蒂斯文明的大部分服用药物:孩子们在早年就被喂食药物,以在课堂或家里维持行为规矩。成年人也服用药物,以解决不开心、不能入眠、缺乏精力或行为不 端等问题。如果一个人过于行为不端而社会服务机构判定这个人无法“康复”的话,他就被抓走实行安乐死。那些变得衰老而无法自理的人们,除了当时社会最富有 的人以外,通常也被社会服务机构带走实施安乐死。生来畸形或残疾的孩童也被实施安乐死。不能适应 “正常”标准行为的成年人,也被抓走实施安乐死。在那个时候既没有精神病院也没有监狱,因为亚特兰蒂斯政府选择取走这些人的性命。这是为了创造一种“完美”的亚特兰蒂斯文明。

The problem with vastly euthanizing large populations of people that were deemed unfit for Atlantis society was that the karma for the given life went unsettled. Most lives have karma and spiritual lessons to fulfill upon; if the lessons are not learned they then are pressed upon the next generation. After 18 generations of the ongoing use of euthanasia to control the population, so much karma built up in all lineages related to those incarnate that it overran Atlantis with exaggerated patterns of disease, insanity and deformity. In the last 1000 years, more children were euthanized for deformities or insanity than were allowed to live. The continued perpetuation of this type of control through death reverberated over the entire society leading to a nuclear holocaust to balance the scales of karma associated with death.


Atlanteans were vegetarian outside of the consumption of fish, which there was agreements for and therefore did not incur karma. There was enough remembrance that one cannot slaughter any kingdom without creating slaughter in the human dream that leads to warfare. Although Atlanteans did not slaughter flesh for food source, they slaughtered one another in an attempt to create the perfect society, where everyone was beautiful and happy and wealthy. To a certain extent this karma has repeated again in Europe and North America leading to the current modality of life that those reading these materials and living in this regions experience in present time. Not unlike today, the wealth and affluence did not lead to happiness in Atlantis, and this is why the drugs flourished as a big business to aid society in appearing happy even when they were ultimately terribly dysfunctional.

亚 特兰蒂斯人除进食鱼类外是素食的,因有协议允许这么做,所以这并没有招致来业力。在那时人们还留下足够多记忆,懂得无法屠杀任何王国而不在人类梦想中带来 导致战争的屠杀的道理。但是,尽管亚特兰蒂斯人确实没有屠杀肉类动物以获得食物源,但他们却在人类之间屠杀彼此,以试图创造一个每个人都美丽、快乐和富有 的完美社会。在某种程度上,这一业力在今天的欧洲和北美重演,带来了当前的生活模式,那是今天阅读这些资料并生活在这些地区的人们所体验的生活。就如同今 天一样,金钱和富足并没有在亚特兰蒂斯带来快乐,这就是为什么药物成为一大笔生意欣欣向荣的缘故,来帮助整个社会得到貌似的快乐,即使当他们最终会出现可 怕的社会机能不健全。

Mila and Oa read a recent article in “Mother Jones News” that gave report to how dysfunctional society has become in the United States over the past 50 years. A recent architectural competition awarded the “best blueprint” of a new house to include separate suites for the husband and wife, separate office areas on either side of the house, and separate children’s rooms and play areas so that nobody had to be with any other over the course of the day. The article pointed out that this was the perfect home for the dysfunctional family. They also pointed out that many children and teenagers today are as stressed as only a handful who were examined by psychiatrists in the 1950s. What is the cause of the dysfunction? It was pointed out that money did not lead to happiness, and how this was a vast illusion that most thought was so. This illusion is a part of a dream left over from the era of Atlantis that humans living in North America and Europe have caught again in this time period, and with equivalent results.

Mila和Oa最近在《琼斯母亲新闻》上看到一篇文章,报道在过去50年 来美国社会已怎样变得机能不良。近期的一项建筑比赛大奖,将“最佳蓝图奖”颁给一种含有丈夫妻子有隔离房间、在房屋每一侧有隔离办公区域、以及孩子有隔离 的房间和玩耍区域的住房,以便在整个一天的过程中谁都不会和别人共处的住房设计。这篇文章指出,这是提供给机能不良家庭(dysfunctional family)的最佳住房。他们也指出,今天的许多孩子和青少年就和1950年代需精神病医生诊断的少数人的压力一样大。机能不良的原因是什么呢?据指出,金钱并不能带来快乐,而这是大多数人所以为的多巨大的假相啊。这一假相是来自亚特兰蒂斯时代遗留梦想的一部分,让生活在北美和欧洲的人们在今天这个时代再次捕获,并带来了同样的结果。

Today there is movement in the west towards the goal of drugging the population through antidepressants and the use of certain substances like Ritalin to control children in the classroom. For those that are not taking legal medications, there are also many illegal drugs that are even more costly that many take to try to find happiness within; some damage the brain as well leading to even greater dysfunction. The use of drugs to find happiness is also a left over dream from Atlantean times. As the karma for this is released, the dream will change allowing humans to learn to find happiness through natural means or through introspection and healing the wounds of the past.

今天,在西方兴起了一种服用抗抑郁剂和某种就象利他灵(Ritalin,译注:该药物的主要成分是Methylphenidate HCl, 主要用于过动儿的治疗。由于此药是中枢神经兴奋剂,故常被人滥用来当作入门的毒品)那样的类似物质来控制孩子课堂行为的毒化大众的运动。对那些不使用合法 药物的人,也有很多非法药物供选择,它们甚至价格更为昂贵,让许多人服用去试图找到内在的快乐。有些药物破坏了脑部并带来了更大的机能不良。靠使用药物来 找到欢乐,也是来自亚特兰蒂斯时代梦想的残留。当它所带来的业力被释放,梦想将改变,允许人们学会透过自然方式、或者透过内省和疗愈过去的创伤来找到快 乐。

Fortunately science today does not understand as much about the biochemistry of humanity to control it to the degree that the scientists of Atlantis understood, and the end result is that the prescribed drugs are marginally successful at what the treatment is supposed to cure. This causes many to choose not to continue to take drugs for depression, or give medications to their children. The lack of success also causes humans in present time to search for herbal or nutritional support that may be better at allowing biochemical changes to occur naturally through the choice to ascend, leading to healing of the emotional or physical ailment.

幸 运的是,今天的科学所懂得并控制人类生化学的程度并不象亚特兰蒂斯的科学家那样大,最终是开出的药品只取得了假定疗效的边缘。这使得很多人选择不要继续服 药来治疗沮丧或他们的孩子。药物治疗的失败,也导致今天的人类去寻找可能疗效更好的草本或营养辅助,它们允许人们透过提升的选择自然而然发生生化体的改 变,从而产生对情感或身体疾病的疗愈。
发表于 2008-3-9 23:58:55 | 显示全部楼层

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