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Rome vs Han China
Who would win?
The Roman Testudo and manipular infantry tactic vs the Han Dynasty crossbow and missile warfare.
罗马军团的基本情况:http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E ... C%E5%86%9B%E5%9B%A2
The Romans had weak cavalry. On the other hand, the Han had very strong cavalry armed with spears and bows.
Han infantry was weak though, but they did have very powerful crossbows. The Romans also equipped their soldiers with better armor.
romansstronger in swordbattles
However, as proven in the Battle of Canae (aka the battle where Hanibal slaughtered 60,000 Romans), Roman legionaires had a weakness to cavalry.The Han had very strong cavalry, similiar to the Hunnish cavalry that defeated the Legions in the 5th century AD.
it's a question that is very hard to answer.
first of all the romans was in constant expansion until they split into two empires, also they had a lot of training considering that they had extremely long military duty, if i remember correctly it was as much as 20 years (not sure on this one).
On the other hand the Chinese had crossbows that easily could penetrate the armor given to roman soldiers but range was still a major problem considering that the romans still could pepper them with bows which have both superior range and rate of fire.
on the whole it is extremely hard to predict what would have happened if the romans and the Chinese would have warred against each other
han china would own rome because they had 600,000 soldiers and actual horse troopers, while rome had 100,000 and only used horseman as patrol.
Well best Han China will be the Songs.
Roman are disciplane. China can use rocketries and fire carts to blow at the Romans, first time for Romans to see such fire work! Therefore, away they flee! And Roman cavalries charge and the Hans will charge with Cavalries too (Hans infantries has ordinary armour you can say, but lot other higher rank soldiers got iron breastplates that covers the whole body, and the Romans only got legion armours or even leather. China has an big army in the Medieval times too.
I would say Romans will lose . Just cuz they got nice formations does not mean they got better weapons. We all never seen Romans fighting Han China. So it must be called a match.
But for saying, I vote for China.
Actually, the better battle that illustrates Roman Cavalry weakness is Carrae.
40,000 Roma Legions vs 10,000 Parthia Horse Archers and 1,000 Cataphract (heavy cavalry). Romans were routed. Point could be said that the Roman commander, Crassus was inept.
克拉苏(Marcus Licinius Crassus Dives,公元前115年~前53年),古罗马军事家、政治家。他曾帮助苏拉在内战中夺权建立独裁统治。他通过奴隶贸易,经营矿产,投机地产买卖,及非法夺取其他人的财产等手段积攒万贯家财。前72年至前71年期间,斯巴达克率奴隶爆发起义,克拉苏带领罗马军队残酷镇压。苏拉隐退后,他和庞培、凯撒合作,组成三头政治同盟。 此后他因嫉妒恺撒在高卢所取得的战功,于公元前53年发动了对安息帝国的战争,在卡萊战役中全军覆没,本人也被安息帝国俘虏。 传说安息人是用熔化的黄金灌进他的喉咙里,将他杀死的。
Both the Romans and Chinese had very good artillery (catapults and ballistas). Romans had superior infantry, especiall heavy infantry, though the Chinese had better missile troops (are you sure that Roman bows outranged Chinese crossbows? Also, Chinese crossbows had a faster rate of fire than European ones of the Middle Ages).
I still think the decisive factor here is cavalry, for cavlary have proved for centuries to be the bane of heavy infantry. Also, the Chinese could field armies of a million troops, while the Romans at their height had 250,000 legionaires and a equal number of auxiliaries.
I don't think gun powder has been invented in that era yet.
The Hans didn't have gunpoweder weapons yet. Gunpowder wasn't invented until the Song dynasty. Also, only Chinese officers and commanders wore iron breastplates. The Roman army actually had 500,000 at its height, although during the 3 Kingdoms period China has raised armies of over a million multiple times.
At the Roman times, China are beating huns with little bit of helps with rockets.
People say Romans are the strongest empire in the Ancient era. Well, they sure earn a great empire but.. The countries Roman fought has troops that wore no armour, undisciplane men but brave and fierce. Romans often outnumber soldiers from Britannia.
Africa you say? Carthage could have captured Roma. But they lost. Why? Cuz Hannibal must return to protect Carthage
Pound for pound, the Roman army was the strongest of the Ancient Era. However, Chinese emperors could raise, train, and equip armies of millions of men while the Romans had no more than 500,000 soldiers at their height.
Maybe Rome had so many inflations.
Looks like a nice game : http://www.dbaol.com
This game can make Han China versus Roma.
这游戏不错: http://www.dbaol.com,能让汉朝罗马互搏。
Rome in her time also fought several discipline armies.
1. The armies of Carthage.
2. King Philip V of Macedon's pike Phalanx
3. Seulecids phalanx and Cataphract army
They beat them all.
Although Han unde Wudi destroyed the Huns.
2.菲利普五世的马其顿长矛方阵 (第二次马其顿战争)
3.塞琉古长矛方阵和重装部队 (叙利亚战争)
most of the 500,000 were auxilaries.
the chinese had impressice formations, and brilliant generals.and ancient china certainly did have a technological advantage.
At its height, Rome commanded 30 legions. That is 300,000 professional legionaires.
The Chinese did not have as impressive formations, and both sides had brilliant generals.
Also, the Han only had one technological advantage: the crossbow.
and the compass, and the silk trade which rome loved.and they had sun-tsu and his art of war.
The compass does not really help in warfare, unless its naval battles. The silk trade wasn't really a technological advantage, it was just a trade route. The Art of War would help the Chinese, but only if their commanders could carry it out correctly.
compass gets you out of the gobi desert.war with han means no silk trade wich means angry rich romans, which means no money for war.
Yea, I'd say China had better generals.
Han would win because of their crossbowmen and cavalry. Although people, don't forget, the Chinese infantry falters when their general is killed.
The Romans brought in wealth from throughout their large empire. The Chinese generated huge amounts of wealth from within their empire. Both sides were wealthy.
Most armies do falter if their general is killed. The Roman Legions might be better off, since they are professional soldiers and not likely to falter as easily.
Well... I don't think China had rockets during the Han dynasty. Gunpowder wasn't invented until the late Tang, and firearms not until the Song. And let me try this: :rollin 再说一遍...汉朝时还没有火箭,火药是晚唐才出现的,火器装备部队也是宋朝的事了。让我试试能不能打出jiong字。
well, a roman legion was very well organize, a roman legion was composed of 10 cohort...
the roman also fight in 3 lines, so if the cavalry break the 1st line, the 2nd will always counter-charge. The legionnary was unbeateable on hand-to-hand fighting. It's be pretty interesting a combat between those 2.
Of course, you can use cavalary to attack from the rear, the flanks, or from multiple angles at once. Also, swords are not very effective against cavalry, especially spear-armed cavalry. Also, cavalry archers are very hard to counter with heavy infantry.
Han Chinese - Romans
Crossbow - shortbow.
Plate armour - Legion armour.
Millions of soldiers - Thousands.
Allied (With goths, Germans, Brittanias, Vandals...) - Alone...
汉朝 - 罗马
强弩 - 短弓
板甲 - 轻甲
百万级 - 万级
高卢日耳曼不列颠汪达尔都是盟友 - 孤立无援...
Only a very small fraction of Chinese soldiers had plate armor, while most used armor made from pieces of bamboo and leather. Also, in numbers it will be something around 2,000,000 versus 500,000. And in this discussion, I thought we were excluding allies.
why would all those groups be allies with Han? it'll more likely to be free-for-all rather than allies.
anyone know what kind of formations would the Han use?
Cuz they know its a Empire versus a Empire. They would co-operate with the Han for sure to repel the ROman invaders.
Chinese ancient armies uses all kinds of formation depending on the terrain and enemy. There're a series of formations that has from numbers 1-10. For example, Four dragons formation, Three hook, etc etc.
The Han army could just encircle the enemy and shoot it up with missile weapons, and when the enemy's morale is broken (6/10 of the enemies dead) then use the cavalry to charge them.
阵法是死的,人是活的,不同情况,不同对待。一般来说,有按从一到十为序列的阵法可以选择,比如四龙阵,三勾阵等等(- -“)
For the love of cake not another rome vs china!!! Well heres a simple answer.
Rome went to war with the parthians and the siung niu (middle east Kazakhtan) in the latter parts of the roman empire(100. ad) The romans lost because the Parthians had heavy armored cavalry which dispatched the enemy lines, scattered and confused them. THus making them vulnerable to attack. The roman spear wall became ineffective because of the length of there spears 10 to 15 feet long making them useless in close quarters, if the parthians break through there lines there dead.
A few years later when the parthians were controling the silk road, china was pissed and sent her armies. The chinese having superior tactics and having better weapons (Zhao,Mao tridents) at hand which were more flexible and better than spears 15 feet long and gladius' which were to heavy for a short sword, were more evenly matched against the Parthians.
After some while when the parthians were defeated, the chinese general who sieged the parthians recalled yellow haired barbarians in the parthians troops who used what he defines as a fish scale formation, with shields linked together. He also recalled seeing them used double palisades for defense (No doubt roman).
Before violently reacting to my posts, google the ones below.
My source - Homer Dubbs, historian.
The city of Lee Jien, the lost roman city in china.
德效騫(Homer Dubs),历史学家。骊靬城,中国失落的罗马城市。
此罗马被俘军人流落中国说,最早见牛津大学汉学教授德效騫(Homer Dubs,1892-1969)于1957年发表的的《古代中国的一座罗马城市》一书。公元前53年,就在前文所述的卡莱之战中,虽然罗马战败,克拉苏战死,但其子小克拉苏率领一支罗马军团突围。而据汉书陈汤传中记载,在公元前36年,在一次征讨匈奴郅支城时,俘虏了一支有鱼鳞阵和重木筑城的军队,将其置于骊靬。后世便认为陈汤所俘虏并安置在骊靬的这支军队便是那支失落的罗马军团。
现此说基本已经被推翻,汉代所谓“骊靬”是当时埃及首府亚历山得里亚(Alexandria)的音译。然而,罗马吞并埃及则是公元前30年的事,比陈汤攻杀郅支单于晚了六年。所以,在陈汤同所谓“罗马士兵”作战的时候,亚历山得里亚(骊靬)还不是罗马共和国的一部分。因此,即便陈汤的确俘虏了一些罗马士兵并将他们带回汉朝安置,这些人也显然不会以“骊靬”自称。如果把他们认为是克拉苏东征军团的残部的话,他们早在公元前53年就以失去了同母国 (罗马)之间的联系,又怎么可能预见到二十多年后“骊靬”会成为罗马的领土呢,安置他们的汉朝政府同样也不应该用“骊靬”这个词来指代这些人的母国,从而用其来命名这个为了安置他们而新设立的行政区的名字。且通过对当地人的遗传鉴定后,发现其Y染色体多为东亚本地固有类型,且大部分单倍型和罗马人没有太大关系。
but if we simplify this into a rock-paper-scissor scenario, we won't know for sure.如果把这个讨论简化为“石头剪刀布”的关系,孰胜孰负未可知否。
but war is not a game of chance, the out come of one depends on many different factors such as the strategies used, the general commanding the army, the soldiers' morale level, amount of supplies, etc.
which means this entire conversation is, well, moot.
I beg to differ. In may instances, the outcome of a battle may depend on, well, sheer luck. One lucky spear throw can kill the enemy general, one lucky rainstorm can wet the strings of the enemy crossbowman (as occured in the battle of Crecy). It may be just sheer luck than an army rested for one extra day and avoided an abmush that would've left it to its total destruction.
A good army does not depend on luck, so if it's army is weakened by luck it will not be destroyed. A good army's general always know where the enemy might ambush him and sends scouts forward. I think it depends mostly on the general, and there has been cases in history when an army that was outnumbered by the enemy 10 to 1 won the battle.
Some times they do.
If the Romans had 3000 legions and Han has only 100 guards in a small city.
What if the city is near a cliff, and 2999 Romans sliped and died on accident? Then its 100 on 1 . LOL
you must be insane, liberator, 2999 died of slipping of a cliff?! if the general is smart, then he might not attack the city directly but rather surround the city and wait the enemies out. the enemy would eventually run out of food and water. see, no casualties.
Rome do have very formidable discipline and tactics. But they do not have monopoly of it.
In han China, crossbowmen are arrange in 3 ranks to alternate fire (front rank - fires; rear rank reloads; middle rank -advance). Doing so ensures a consistant barrage. These crossbowmen are protected by a shield wall of heavy infantry from melee attacks.
I was just showing that battles can be won with luck.
Well battles can be won with luck, yes, but good generals do not depend on luck. A better example of your example is:
A huge army surrounds a city, the city is outnumbered by a whole lot and have no way of manning the walls sufficiently, so the city's general ordered all the gates to be opened, with only old men sweeping the way by the gate, and the general plays an instrument on the city walls, infront of the enemy army formations. The enemy sees this, and thinks, hm, they are letting us into the city. No, it must be a trap. And the besieging army retreats. Luck? No. Strategy my friend, the city's general, Zhu Ge Liang, knew the besieging army's general's personality pretty well. He also knew that the enemy general is always very suspicious of things. So he knew if he made things look suspicious enough, the enemy will think it's a trap and retreat.
After 2 days the besieging army's general realized he was fooled and attacked the city again. But the city has been abandoned. No one was inside but civilians.
Wouldn't that mean the crossbowmen would be firing into their own heavy infantry?
But then in the end, you lose the city. :/
#51.Re:#50.no, silly Fried the heavy infantries would be crouched down while holding their shields (so are the archers that are reloading). the ones that are shooting are standing up so they won't shoot the infantries.
come on, they're common scene in movies
Hey, which one is more important, losing your key and most important and most clever strategist and general of your country, or losing a city? In those days cities were constantly taken and lost, so it's no biggie.
watch "Hero" when those crossbow mens assult that sword trainning place
Aha! Thank you, Punisher, I am enligthened!
谢谢51楼的,受教了! |