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神话般的能量金属!Kamelot - March Of Mephisto

发表于 2010-6-22 18:51:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 糖小沫° 于 2010-9-7 14:23 编辑

出身美国佛罗里达的Kamelot(幸运星,又译‘亚瑟王宫殿’),是一支风格相当欧式的Power Melodic Metal乐团,由吉他手Thom Youngblood与鼓手Richard Warner在1991年所组成,到了1995年8月,乐团发行了首张专辑《Eternity》,Kamelot开始引起乐迷及乐评们的注意,隔年Kamelot发行了第二张专辑《Dominion》,此张专辑较前一张作品获到更广大的好评,Kamelot展现了其音乐的广阔性,强烈的欧洲金属风格,加上前卫元素与古典色彩,同时,以中古世纪欧洲宫廷、城堡及骑士的史诗记事为题的作风,企图带给所有听者更大的想像空间!然而,就在96年秋天,Kamelot正要与Virgin Steele一同展开欧洲的巡回演唱时,鼓手Richard Warner和主唱Mark Vanderbilt却因私人因素而无法参与演出,於是他们两人立刻被踢出乐团,而Kamelot亦不得不取消演出计划。不久後,乐团找来新任鼓手Casey Grillo加入,不过在主唱方面却一直找不到适任的人选,直到新专辑几近完成之时,仍然独缺主唱一职。终於,在一次因缘巧合之下,Thom得知同属Noise旗下的乐团Conception解散的消息,于是便邀请其主唱Roy S. Kahn加入,同时也顺利地完成第三张专辑《Siege Perilous》的录制,并於98年推出。优美的吉他旋律、symphonic式键盘加上带点诡跼感的钢琴,使整张专辑充满著一种宫廷的富丽堂皇,与中古世纪的神秘气息,同时Khan其充满感情、苍桑而又高亢的嗓音,更贴切地诠饰出这样的史诗情怀。   
主唱(Vocals):Roy Khan   
吉他(Guitars):Thomas Youngblood   
贝司(Bass):Glenn Barry   
鼓(Drums):Casey Grillo

March Of Mephisto

You know just who I am
Don't be so distant
Cause when you're lost
I am solely there to share your grief
Wailing for your sorrow
Is only my way to comfort you
Reminders of innocent youth
Waiting for morrow you're lonely
I name your solitude
I speaketh the truth

Now tell me all about your pain
Down to the detail
Don't say it's love
Your fragile heart feeds my contempt

Wailing for your sorrow
Is only my way to comfort you
Reminders of innocent youth
Waiting for morrow you're lonely
I name your solitude
I speaketh the truth
Chase the heathen call
We belong... you and I
Unison in all you deny
Wailing for your sorrow
Is only my way to comfort you
Reminders of innocent youth
Waiting for morrow you're lonely
I name your solitude
I speaketh the truth
I am the thorn in your side
That seeks accomplishment
Reminding the mortal of death
I am the spore of your pride
An angel heaven sent
The master of all
I am the urge of the flesh


参与人数 1 +2 收起 理由
糖小沫° + 2


发表于 2010-8-24 21:23:05 | 显示全部楼层
很出色的乐队啊 怎么没人顶下呢 我来做个沙发哈

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发表于 2010-8-24 21:33:51 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-8-25 21:39:12 | 显示全部楼层
= =    一般般

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发表于 2010-9-7 14:09:32 | 显示全部楼层

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