Herewith the first crop circle of 2010. It is in oil seed rape and measures approx: 180 foot diameter. It is a circle containing six arcs intercepted by a small circle surrounded by a larger circle. A lozenge shape lies alongside the sixth arc with seven circles lying in an arc below. It lies below the ancient Hill Fort Old Sarum in Hampshire. Sadly due to the fact that it lies in Boscombe Military Air space it is also directly below the helicopter low flight approach zone, the images were taken from 2000 feet and also the crop is not yet in full bloom so the imprint is poor.
1,带羽翼(一边各六条,一共12条,也可以指代年)的为Nibiru, 或者地球的伴星(zeta提及过),中间是地球,最下面为7次满月,指代7个月,所以可能7个月的时间,nibiru与地球正面互动
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