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From The Cradle To Enslave.rm

发表于 2009-12-8 04:23:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

两千年似疯癫, 坟墓被淘空, 如今茹毛饮血的时代重新降临, 难道是从出生就注定被主宰?
镰刀六星散落银河,冷月残云凝弑双目.引导着世间父食子肉, 母子相残.
回望伊甸园中的伊人啊. 那满是毒蛇悲鸣的玫瑰藤和果树下. 一场夙命的梦魇盛宴正在蠢蠢欲动.
微风越过这色欲乐园的肉林,轻扬点点悲鸣之音. 有如恶鬼罗刹之声. 但是百亿众生对这扶苏之林片片残枝朽木却熟视无睹.
此时此景难道不比末日决战之地更美妙吗? 死亡的阴霾肆意掠过天堂圣地, 群魔乱舞.
众生祈祷被谁人聆听? 是所谓的神吗? 那也许只是像你们贫瘠的灵魂深处的无尽春梦说给恶魔来听. 永恒的极乐世界已经腐朽溃烂, 只剩下肮脏骸人的面目示人  
万物至此而亡. 新纪元的第一声啼哭犹如天籁叫人向往.  
在崩塌的十二宫下, 大跳死亡之舞. 新的光明之星将重定天命.当那些光芒燃烧黑暗之时, 一切恶行罪恶将横行无忌.  
你们的眼神告诉我, 畜生界已经君临大地.
所有的罪人啊, 你们将在最终审判时死去.  
但是我们还怀着自欺欺人的信仰. 拯救我们把,就像您许诺过的那些一样. 那光明,那希望,一闪而逝, 消失无踪.  
这就是世界末日. 死无葬身之地, 众生飘雪般往生. 和平, 你这纤细的可人儿, 留给我们的只是末日之战.呜呼, 新生, 听听这些怒吼吧. 只为了那扭曲的十字架和圣人们可笑的善行正道.什么才该被一道狠狠鞭挞? 这就是万物的终点. 六翼天使在万劫不复的悲惨之地高声歌唱.  
古老之敌, 夏娃二世们, 他们又回来了,我能闻到他们的气息,就像那被切割而死的悲惨肉身一样的气息.
被死亡的阴霾引领着, 永无离去之日.梦想被败类们鸡(BD)奸. 就在我们膝下流尽鲜血之时.  
石砾断瓦中浮隐着那绵延的炼狱. 国将亡, 梦魇匍匐逶迤. 生来就是奴役着...

Two thousand fattened years like maniacs.  
Have despoiled our common grave.  
Now what necrophagous Second Coming backs.  
From the cradle to enslave?  
Sickle constellations.  
Stud the belts that welt the sky.  
Whilst the bitter winter moon. Prowls the cloud, dead-eyed.  
Like shifting parent flesh.  
Under silk matricide...  
Watchful as she was upon Eden.  
Where every rose arbour and orchard she swept.  
Hid the hissing of a serpent Libido.  
In an ancient tryst with catastrophe.  
Hear that hissing now on the breeze.  
As through the plundered groves of the carnal garden.  
A fresh horror blows but ten billion souls.  
Are blind to see the rotting wood for the trees.  
This is the theme to a better Armageddon.  
Nightchords rake the heavens.  
And what use are prayers to that god?  
As devils bay concensus for the space to piss.  
On your smouldering faith.  
And the mouldering face.  
Of this world long a paradise lost.  
This is the end of everything.  
Hear the growing chora that a new dawn shall bring.  
Danse macabre 'neath the tilt of the zodiac.  
Now brighter stars shall reflect on our fate.  
What sick nativities will be freed when those lights burn black? The darkside of the mirror always threw our malice back...  
I see the serpentine in your eyes.  
The nature of the beast as revelations arrive.  
Our screams shall trail to Angels.  
For those damned in flames repay.  
All sinners lose their lot on Judgement Day.  
We should have cut our looses as at Calvary.  
But our hearts like heavy crosses held the vain belief.  
Salvation, like a promised nation. Gleamed a claim away...  
This is the end of everything you have ever known.  
Buried like vanquished reason.  
Death is season.  
Drive like the drifting snow.  
Peace, a fragile lover, left us fantasising war.  
On our knees or another fucker's shore.  
Heiling new flesh.Read, then roared.  
To a crooked cross and a Holy Cause.  
What else be whipped to frenzy for?  
This is the end of everything.  
Rear the tragedies.  
That the Seraphim shall sing.  
Old adversaries.  
Next to Eve.  
Now they're clawing back.  
I smell their cumming.  
As through webbed panes of meat.  
Led by hoary Death.  
They never left.  
Dreaming sodomies.  
To impress on human failure.  
When we've bled upon our knees.  
Tablatures of gravel law.  
Shall see Gehennah paved.  
When empires fall.  
And nightmares crawl.  
From the cradle to enslave....  
This is the end of everything
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-9 00:43:21 | 显示全部楼层


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