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发表于 2009-11-16 03:35:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
NASA——美国空间科技研究的权威终于有不在缄默的一天了 权威科学家出面辟谣证实2012年不是世界末日 本人英语水平有限 翻译的不好请见谅


Question (Q): Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites say the world will end in December 2012.
Answer (A): Nothing bad will happen to the Earth in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.

问: 2012年地球会受到什么威胁?很多网站都声称2012年12月是世界末日
答: 2012年不会发生任何坏事。 到目前为止我们的星球已经安稳度过了40亿年,而且全世界有威信的科学家都知道2012年不会发生任何坏事。
Q: What is the origin of the prediction that the world will end in 2012?
A: The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday date was moved forward to December 2012. Then these two fables were linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter solstice in 2012 -- hence the predicted doomsday date of December 21, 2012.
答:这个故事开始于一个假象的行星-Nibiru,苏美尔人认为它最终会撞击地球。 这个灾难发生的日期最初被认为是2003年5月,但是奇怪的是那一天什么也没发生, 所以这个“末日”的时间又被推迟到了2012年12月。 然后这两个谣言就和古代玛雅人的2012冬至点日期联系在一起————从而加强了这个谣言的可信度
Q: Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012?
A: Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then -- just as your calendar begins again on January 1 -- another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar.
答:这就好比你家厨房里的那个日历一样,12月31号是一年的最后一天, 玛雅人的日历计法中12月只有21天。 这一天是玛雅人日历中的大循环—但是就像你的日历会在明年的一月一号开始一样————新的一年还会开始。(并不代表世界就会终结,这里面是一种误解)
Q: Could a phenomena occur where planets align in a way that impacts Earth?
A: There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades, Earth will not cross the galactic plane in 2012, and even if these alignments were to occur, their effects on the Earth would be negligible. Each December the Earth and sun align with the approximate center of the Milky Way Galaxy but that is an annual event of no consequence.
答: 在未来的几十年之内都不会有行星连接现象,地球也不会在2012穿过光子带(?),而且,即使行星出现了链接现象,它们对地球的影响是可以忽略不计的。 每年12月地球和太阳都会和银河系的中部连接成一条线但是从未发生任何异常现象。
Q: Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru or Planet X or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?
A: Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.
答:关于NIBIRU和其他一些类似的谣言都是网络上毫无根据的传说。如果Nibir或所谓的X星是真实存在的而且正在接近地球, 天文学家应该至少会在几十年前就发现他们的踪迹,而且会被人们用肉眼直接看见。事实证明,这些假想的行星是显然不存在的。Eris是存在的,但是它是一颗静止在太阳系外大小与冥王星相似的白矮星,它离我们最近的距离也要40亿英里(大约64亿公里)
Q: What is the polar shift theory? Is it true that the earth’s crust does a 180-degree rotation around the core in a matter of days if not hours?
A: A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. There are slow movements of the continents (for example Antarctica was near the equator hundreds of millions of years ago), but that is irrelevant to claims of reversal of the rotational poles. However, many of the disaster websites pull a bait-and-shift to fool people. They claim a relationship between the rotation and the magnetic polarity of Earth, which does change irregularly, with a magnetic reversal taking place every 400,000 years on average. As far as we know, such a magnetic reversal doesn’t cause any harm to life on Earth. A magnetic reversal is very unlikely to happen in the next few millennia, anyway.
问: 极点转移理论是什么?是地球在几天之内或几小时之内180自转吗?
答:地球的南北极点绝不会颠倒的。大陆漂移是真的(例如,南极在几亿年前是靠近赤道的),但是那和极点颠倒是没有关系的。即使这样,很多所谓的灾难网站总是拽出一大堆歪理邪说蒙骗人们。他们声称地球的自转和地球的磁极的关系不稳定,预示着平均每40万年就有一次的磁极颠倒。 按照我们目前所知的信息来看,这种磁极的颠倒不会对地球上的任何生物造成伤害。而且磁极颠倒这样的是恐怕在未来的几千年里也不会发生。
Q: Is the Earth in danger of being hit by a meteor in 2012?
A: The Earth has always been subject to impacts by comets and asteroids, although big hits are very rare. The last big impact was 65 million years ago, and that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Today NASA astronomers are carrying out a survey called the Spaceguard Survey to find any large near-Earth asteroids long before they hit. We have already determined that there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs. All this work is done openly with the discoveries posted every day on the NASA NEO Program Office website, so you can see for yourself that nothing is predicted to hit in 2012.
问: 地球在2012年会有被彗星撞击的危险么?
答:地球受到流星与小行星的影响是常有的事,即使毁灭性的撞击也是非常少见。上一次毁灭性的撞击发生在6.5亿年前,那次撞击导致了恐龙的灭绝。目前NASA的天文学家正在计划一项叫做“太空防御探测”的项目,目的是为了提前找出任何一个可能对地球构成威胁的小行星,直到目前我们已经确定没有任何小行星足以达到毁灭恐龙的尺度。 我们每天都会把这个项目的进度毫无保留的贴到网站上,这样你就可以知道2012年没有任何东西会被预言撞上地球。
Q: How do NASA scientists feel about claims of pending doomsday?
A: For any claims of disaster or dramatic changes in 2012, where is the science? Where is the evidence? There is none, and for all the fictional assertions, whether they are made in books, movies, documentaries or over the Internet, we cannot change that simple fact. There is no credible evidence for any of the assertions made in support of unusual events taking place in December 2012.
答:关于2012的灾难或者转折点的预言,有科学根据吗?有切实证据吗? 什么也没有,有的只是剧情化的假想,无论这些假想是出现在书籍中,电影中,或是纪录片中和网络上,这些现象我们无法改变。但是这里没有任何可信的事实为那些奇怪的假想提供有利的支持。
Q: Is there a danger from giant solar storms predicted for 2012?
A: Solar activity has a regular cycle, with peaks approximately every 11 years. Near these activity peaks, solar flares can cause some interruption of satellite communications, although engineers are learning how to build electronics that are protected against most solar storms. But there is no special risk associated with 2012. The next solar maximum will occur in the 2012-2014 time frame and is predicted to be an average solar cycle, no different than previous cycles throughout history.
答:太阳活动有一个规律的周期,每11年达到一个高峰期。每当接近一个高峰时, 太阳耀斑会造成卫星通讯中断,虽然我们的工程师知道如何建立电子保护装备抵挡太阳风暴,但是也会有少部分的特殊情况出现。但是这和2012年没任何关系。下一次的太阳活跃期是2012-2014年,是之前就预测好的太阳活动周期,和以往历史上的周期时间没任何出入。
发表于 2009-11-16 13:08:26 | 显示全部楼层

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