I amar prestar aen… The world is changed.
Han mathon ne nen… I feel it in the water.
Han mathon ne chae… I feel it in the Earth.
A han noston ned gwilith. I smell it in the air.
Tangado haid! Hold positions!
Leithio i philinn! Fire arrows!
a Galad ren i veniar O Light to us that wander here
hi' aladhremmin ennorath Amid the world of woven trees!
A Elbereth Gilthoniel O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!
ithil nâ thûl, ithil lîn hen Clear are thy eyes and bright thy breath!
Tinúviel elvanui, Tinúviel the elven-fair,
Elleth alfirin ethelhael Immortal maiden elven-wise,
O hon ring finnil fuinui About him cast her night-dark hair,
A renc gelebrin thiliol. And arms like silver glimmering.
Frodo... Im Arwen. I am Arwen.
Telin le thaed. I've have come to help you.
Lasto beth nîn, Hear my voice.
tolo dan na ngalad. Come back to the light.
There are 5 Wraiths behind you.
Where the other four are I do not know.
Dartho guin Berian. Stay with the Hobbits.
Rych le ad tolthathon. I will send horses for you.
Hon mabathon. I'm the faster rider.
Rochon ellint im. I'll take him.
Andelu i ven. The road is too dangerous.
Frodo fîr. Frodo is dying.
Ae athradon i hir, If I can get across the river,
tur gwaith nîn beriatha hon. the power of my people will protect him.
I do not fear them.
Be iest lîn. According to your wish.
Arwen, ride hard. Don't look back!
Noro lim, Ride fast,
Asfaloth, Asfaloth,
noro lim! ride fast.
6.布鲁南河边。Arwen vs 戒灵。这帮戒灵前后倒霉都倒在女生身上了…
If you want him, come and claim him.
Nîn o Chithaeglir, Waters of the Misty Mountains
lasto beth daer, listen to the great word:
Rimmo nîn Bruinen dan in Ulaer! flow waters of Loudwater against the Ringwraiths!
Your time will come.
You will face the same evil and you will defeat it.
A si i-Dhúath ú-orthor, Aragorn. The Shadow does not hold sway yet.
Ú or le a ú or nin. Not over you, not over me.
Renich i lú i erui govannem? Do you remember when we first met?
Nauthannen i ned ôl reniannen. I thought I had strayed into a dream.
Gwenwin in enninath. Long years have passed.
Ú-'arnech in naeth i si celich. You did not wear the troubles you carry now.
Renech i beth i pennen? Do you remember what I told you?
You said you'd bind yourself to me, forsaking the immortal life of your people.
8.Rivendell。二人的爱情主题-Aniron“我渴望”,由Enya演唱。收录于原声Council of Elrond
O môr henion i dhû: From darkness I understand the night:
Ely siriar, êl síla. dreams flow, a star shines.
Ai! Aníron Undómiel. Ah! I desire Evenstar.
Tiro! Êl eria e môr. Look! A star rises out of the darkness.
I'lîr en êl luitha 'úren. The song of the star enchants my heart.
Ai! Aníron... Ah! I desire…
9.林谷会议。Boromir想拿魔戒,Gandalf念了戒指上极为著名的铭文吓唬他,是黑暗语black speech。
Ash nazg durbatulûk, One Ring to rule them all,
ash nazg gimbatul, One Ring to find them,
ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them.
Anirne hene beriad i chên în. She wanted to protect her child.
Ned Imladris nauthant e le beriathar aen. She thought that in Rivendell you would be safe.
In her heart, your mother knew you'd be hunted all your life.
That you'd never escape your fate.
No!! Losto Caradhras, Sleep Caradhras,
sedho, hodo, nuitho i 'ruith! be still, lie still, hold [your] wrath.
Cuiva nwalca Carnirassë! Wake up cruel Redhorn!
Nai yarvaxëa rasselya taltuva ñotto-carinnar!
May your blood-stained horn shall fall upon the enemy-heads
Oh, it's quite simple. If you are a friend,
you speak the password, and the doors will open.
Annon Edhellen edro hi ammen! Gate of the Elves open now for me!
Ando Eldarinwa a lasta quettanya, Gate of Elves listen to my word,
Fenda Casarinwa! Threshold of Dwarves!
13.萝林。Haldir和护戒队成员交涉。 如到中土旅游,必不可少的日常用语。A叔本来精灵语讲得很好,但是这回太着急,比手画脚影响语音语调,为口语大忌。
Mae govannen, Welcome
Legolas Thranduilion. Legolas, son of Thranduil.
Govannas vîn gwennen le, Our Fellowship stands in your debt,
Haldir o Lórien. Haldir of Lórien.
A, Aragorn in Dúnedain Oh, Aragorn of the Dúnedain,
istannen le ammen. you are known to us.
Boe ammen veriad lîn. We need your protection.
Andelu i ven! The road is fell!
Merin le telim. I wish we may come with you.
Henio, Please,
aníron boe ammen i dulu lîn! understand, we need your support!
Andelu i ven. The road is very dangerous.
Female Elf:
A Olórin i yaresse… Olórin who once was…
Mentaner i Numeherui Sent by the Lords of the West
Tírien i Rómenóri… To guard the Lands of the East…
Other Elves:
Melme nóren sina Our love for this land
núra ala Is deeper than the deeps
Eäro… Of the sea…
Maiaron i Oiosaila, Wisest of all Maiar,
Manan elye etevanne What drove you to leave
Nórie i malanelye? That which you loved?
Ilfirin nairelma Yet we will cast all away
ullume nucuvalme. Rather that submit.
Nauva i nauva... What should be shall be...
Ú-reniathach No more will you wander
i amar galen The green fields of this earth
I reniad lín ne môr, nuithannen. Your journey has ended in darkness.
Le aphadar aen. You are being followed.
Ai! laurië lantar lassi súrien, Alas! Like gold fall the leaves in the wind,
Yéni úntimë ve rámar aldaron! long years numberless as the wings of the trees!
yéni ve lintë yuldar avánier The long years have passed like swift draughts
mi oromardi lisse-miruvóreva Andúnë
of the sweet mead in lofty halls beyond the West,
pella Vardo tellumar nu luini yassen tintilar i eleni…
beneath the vaults of Varda wherein the stars tremble in the song of her voice…
I have nothing greater to give,
than the gift you already bear.
Am meleth dîn. For her love,
I ant e-guil Arwen Undómiel… I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar…
pelitha. will diminish.
Aníron i e broniatha ar periatham amar hen.
I would have her leave these shores, and be with her people…
Aníron e ciratha a Valannor.
I would have her…take the ship to Valinor.
That choice is yet before her. You have your own choice to make, Aragorn…to rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Elendil, or to fall into darkness…with all that is left of your kin.
Namárië. Farewell.
Nadath nâ i moe cerich. There is much you have yet to do.
Dan…ú-'eveditham, Elessar. We shall not meet again, Elessar.
18.在去Helm’s Deep的路上,Aragorn回忆与Arwen在Rivendell的相聚。依然是思想工作。
Min lû pennich nin i aur hen telitha. You told me once that this day would come.
Ú i vethed... nâ i onnad. This is not the end... it is the beginning.
Boe bedich go Frodo. You must go with Frodo.
Han bâd lîn. That is your path.
Dolen i vâd o nin. My path is hidden from me.
Si peliannen i vâd na dail lîn. It is already laid before your feet.
Si boe ú-dhannathach. You cannot falter now.
Ae ú-esteliach nad... estelio han. If you trust nothing else... trust this.
Estelio ammen. Trust us.
Idhren emmen menna gui ethwel. You have a chance for another life.
Hae o auth a nîr a naeth. Away from war... grief... despair.
Why are you saying this?
I am mortal; you are Elfkind.
It was a dream, Arwen, nothing more.
Arwen. Tollen i lû. Arwen, it is time.
I chair gwannar na Valannor. The ships are leaving for Valinor.
Si bado, no círar. Go now... before it is too late.
A im, ú-'erin veleth lîn? Do I not also have your love?
Gerich meleth nîn, ada. You have my love, father
Mae carnen, Brego, Well done, Brego,
mellon nîn. my friend
23.Helm’s Deep。非常有用的生活用语
Le ab-dollen. You’re late.
You look terrible.
Hannon le. Thank you.
Most have seen too many winters.
Or too few. Look at them.
They’re frightened. I can see it in their eyes.
Boe a hûn: And they should be...
neled herain dan caer menig! Three hundred against ten thousand!
Si beriathar hýn. They have more hope of defending themselves here
Amar nâ ned Edoras. than at Edoras.
Aragorn, men i ndagor. Aragorn, We are warriors.
Hýn ú-... ortheri. They cannot win this fight.
Natha daged aen! They are all going to die!
We have trusted you this far and you have not led us astray.
Forgive me. I was wrong to despair.
Ú-moe edhored, Legolas. There is nothing to forgive, Legolas.
26.Helm’s Deep大战。萝林与外界交流较少,大部分精灵不懂通用语,所以A叔负责指挥200名精灵弓箭手。可作警察用语教材。
A Eruchîn, Show them no mercy!
ú-dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas! For you shall receive none!
Dartho! Hold! (此指“稳住”,另意“不许动”)
Tangado halad! Prepare to fire!
Leithio i philinn! releae arrows!
Pendraid! Ladders!
Na fennas! Causeway!
Togo hon dad, Legolas! Bring him down, Legolas!
Dago hon! Kill him!
Hado i philinn! Hurl the arrows!
Herio! Charge!
Na Barad! To the Keep!
Ónen i-Estel Edain. I give hope to Men
Ú-chebin estel anim. I keep none for myself.
28.Shelob的巢穴。Frodo使用Galadriels赠送的水瓶,召唤出埃厄兰迪尔的星光light of Eärendil斥退了蜘蛛,应验了Galadriel女王的赠言May it be a light to you in dark places when all other lights go out。Frodo的精灵语水平实际仅限于简单的日常对话,但按原著说法,人在特殊时刻能受到感召听懂或者说出这种语言,虽然自己并不完全明白字句的含义。
Aiya Eärendil Elenion Ancalima! Hail Eärendil brightest of the Stars!
29.人王的加冕礼。Aragorn的先祖,Isildur的父亲Elendil渡海从西边的Numenor来到中州建立了Gondor,当他第一次踏上海岸时,咏唱了这首歌。由于与大海的关系,Gondor的王冠上有海鸟翅膀形状的装饰。 收录于原声Return of the King
Et Eärello Out of the Great Sea
Endorenna utúlien. to Middle-earth I am come.
Sinome maruvan In this place will I abide,
ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta. and my heirs, unto the ending of the world.
1. Aiya.
你好。 Aiya不直接等于Hi或你好,而是Hail那样的‘致敬’。
你好。 普通场合就可以用,直译相当于:问候你。
3.Essenya ná….
4. Alasse' aure. Alasse' arin. Alassea undóme. / Alassea lóme.
你好。/ 日安。 早上好。 下午好。/ 晚安。
5. Anda lúme lá cene.
6.Valin ná omentiemme.
7.Ná mára cene tyen.
8.Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo.
9.Namárie./ Tenna enomentielva. / Namárie tenna enomentielva.
别了。/下次见。(原文直译是:直至我们重遇)/ 再会。(原文直译是:下次再会前暂别了)
10.Anar caluva tielyanna.
(愿)日耀你的路。 分别时候的祝福语,比上一句少一点伤感
11. Isil caluva tielyanna.
(愿)月照你的道。 也是分别时说的,不过适用于晚上
12. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu vilya.
愿众神(梵拉)护佑你世间的旅程。 全天都可以说,更正式一些
13. Annali len.
祝你好运。 直译:(愿)赐给你富足的礼物
14. Hantale.
谢谢。 而想说‘谢谢帮忙’时就说:Hantale an restalya.
15. Máratulda. / Maratulde. / Nalye maratulde.
不用谢。/不用谢。/ 你客气了。
16. Tancave. / Lau.
是 (当然)。/ 不。
17. Ava.
不要,别。 相当于英语里的Don’t
18.Valin nosta!
19. Inye tye-méla
我爱你。 |