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罕有的生命的历史记录 (2007-04-05 17:53:38)

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    3. 细菌攻击的首要特征是具有超过任何武器的杀伤力。铁制的枪炮只能消灭周围特定的目标,负伤者痊愈后又能回战场。但是,细菌的杀伤从人到人,从农村到城市,持续扩展,且渗透人体内部,死亡率极高。
    1932年, 东京的日本陆军军医学校设立了防疫研究室, 开始了以石井四郎为中心人物的细菌战研究。同年,在中国东北黑龙江省背阴河建立了细菌实验部队。
    1936年, 根据天皇的密令,同时在哈尔滨设立731细菌部队,主要从事用于人的细菌武器的研究和开发,在长春设立100细菌部队,主要从事用于牲畜和农作物的细菌武器研究和开发。
   以上日军各细菌部队,都使用活人作细菌武器试验,研究细菌战,大量生产细菌武器, 至少从1938年开始,在中国战场各地使用细菌武器。除以上细菌部队之外,在华日军陆军医院、各部队防疫给水部,甚至常规部队、普通医院、医学协会组织等也有参与细菌战,包括人体试验、活体解剖、细菌培养、培训特工、实施细菌战、和收集数据等。
    美国犹他州达格威美军生物武器试验场(Dugway Proving Ground)技术资料馆保存着战后不久美国派遣到日本,向日军细菌战主要人员调查与交涉的调查官的报告。报告内容包括对日军细菌战医学专家的讯问记录,和以美国方面免于在远东国际法庭就战争犯罪对他们进行起诉作为交换条件,日本细菌战有关人员向美国方面提供的,日军通过大量人体实验、实战使用所掌握的细菌战技术资料。调查官之一美军生物战专家菲尔(Norbert Fell)的调查报告记录了他对原日军731细菌部队司令石井四郎的讯问。 讯问中,石井四郎告诉菲尔:作为细菌武器来说,最重要的三种病原菌是炭疽杆菌、鼠疫和流行性脑炎。另一处讯问记录中,石井四郎说:作为细菌武器最为有效的地方病病菌是炭疽,传染病是鼠疫。
    美国调查官的报告中,作为细菌武器的炭疽、鼻疽的试验和研究是重要的调查内容达格威试验场技术资料馆保存着三大本彩色的人体实验解剖报告,是日本细菌战医学战犯向美国军事、情报等部门提交的细菌战技术资料中的一部分。这三部人体解剖报告分别为《炭疽》(The Report of A)、《鼻疽》(The Report of G)和《鼠疫》(The Report of Q)。
    1939年12月,中国国民政府军医署驻桂林办事处医学专家向军政部提交了《防治敌机散播鼠疫菌脾脱疽菌马鼻疽菌办法》的报告,报告分析了日军飞机可能散播的细菌种类,提出了相应的防疫措施:“悉查利用毒菌以作兵器在医学上尚属少见,......敌人广播所称利用飞机散播细菌于空气中能为人畜之害者,则可能为下列三种(一)鼠疫菌(肺鼠疫较为相近);(二) 脾脱疽菌(皮肤脾脱疽病于皮肤败血症较为接近);(三) 马鼻疽菌(该菌类对牲畜特易感染,对人类也有感染之可能)。(以下从略)(注:“脾脱疽菌”是炭疽菌的另外一个名称,日军细菌部队也用“脾脱疽菌”这个名称。鼻疽也称“马鼻疽”。)
    一直到战争结束,日军对中国平民使用细菌武器都毫无顾忌。 100部队某一支队队员作证,1945年8月日本宣布投降之后,他们将马匹感染上鼻疽后,驱放到附近的村庄。
    本书作者李晓方在交通如此发达的时代,踏破铁鞋,用照相机记录了受害者们生命的最后时刻。 使得集中在拥有一切现代化社会便利条件的大城市的政治、社会、知识精英,还有更多的人,第一次有可能看到了受害者们的战争的故事,看到他们终生没有能力摆脱的战争的伤害。 这些记录也成为向当今世界发出的最刺耳的道德质问之一,战后60年来,所有关于和平誓约与战争反省的讨论,都是远离他们的,像是空中鸟语。
    在此,谨向不远万里从美国来到中国看望这些受害者,并不懈为他们在国际社会奔走呼吁的美国历史学者 Sheldon Harris教授(已故)和他夫人、 Michael Franzblau医生 与 Martin Furmanski 医生和他夫人表示真挚的敬意和感谢。
  王  选
A Rare Record of Lives on Earth
                       Wang Xuan
                                   May 4, 2005
In 1925, at the meeting held by the League of Nations in Geneva, participating countries signed a treaty to prohibit using of chemical and biological weapons in war.
  From 1928 to 1930, a Japanese medical officer Shiro Ishii, who later would become the commander of Unit 731, the Japanese biological warfare troop infamous for its human experimentation, sent by the Japanese War Ministry, had made a study tour throughout Europe.
  Upon his return to Japan, Ishii started lobbying the Japanese War Ministry and Headquarter of General Staff, to convince the top of the significance for Japan to launch a biological warfare program, for the reasons that:
1. All the European powers are taking steps to prepare a biological warfare program. If Japan legs behind, it will find itself in the tight corner in the near future.
2. Biological weapon is low-cost. It is an ideal weapon for a country like Japan poor in natural resources like iron.
3. The most important with biological weapon is its power of destruction over any other weapon. Guns and canons made of iron can only hit specific targets in surroundings. Those who get wounded can go back to the battle field again as soon as they are recovered. But pathogens as lethal weapons keep killing from man to man, countryside to town, with fatal diseases keeping spreading, getting into human bodies, and causing high casualties.   
In 1932, Tokyo Army Medical School set up a disease prevention research laboratory and began a biological warfare research program with Shiro Ishii as the center figure. At the same year, far away in the vast countryside of Heilongjiang Province, northeast China, a biological warfare research unit was set up by the Japanese army in a remote place called Beiyinhe.
In 1936, under the order of the emperor, a biological warfare troop
called Unit 731 was set up in Harbin, capital city of Heilongjiang Province, to engage in research and development of biological weapon for human. Unit 100, another biological warfare troop, was set up in Changchun, capital city of Jilin Province, to engage in research and development of biological weapon for animal and plant.
In 1938, several other biological warfare troops were set up in China,
Unit 1855 in Beijing, Unit 1644 in Nanjing, and Unit 8604 in Guangzhou.
The above units as Japanese biological warfare troops had more than 60 branches and dispatches in different places in China. The total number of the biological warfare program staff should be over 10,000. Based on the data declassified by Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2002, Unit 731 had more than 3000 members on its payroll, when the war was ending.
The Japanese biological warfare troops in China all used living
humans of different races, most of them Chinese, as subjects for BW experimentation, engaged in research of offensive biological warfare and mass production of biological weapons. Early in 1938, they began to use biological weapons against the Chinese, militaries or civilians, in China.
Besides the Japanese biological warfare troops, many Japanese
military hospitals, water prevention units of regular armies, regular army troops, civil hospitals and professional medical institutes and societies in China also engaged in biological warfare activities, including research with human experiments and vivid-section, cultivating germs, training agents, conducting germ attacks and collecting BW data.
In 1942, after the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Japanese army set up
another biological warfare troop, Unit 9420, in Singapore and Malaysia, to prepare for biological warfare in the Malay Peninsular and the South Pacific Islands,
The library of the U. S. army biological warfare proving ground in
Dugway, the State of Utah, keeps the reports by the officers sent to Japan by the United States shortly after the war to investigate the Japanese biological warfare program and negotiate with the Japanese BW scientists and experts. The reports include interrogation records of the key persons of the Japanese biological warfare program, and their BW technical data obtained from human experimentation and trial field attacks against the Chinese, which the Japanese under investigation had submitted to the American authority in exchange for immunity from their crimes at the Tokyo Military Tribunal. The investigation report by Norbert Fell, one of the 4 investigators, has documented his interrogation of Shiro Ishii, former commander of Unit 731. Based on the records, during the interrogation, Shiro Ishii told Fell that the most significant BW pathogens were anthrax, plague and encephalitis. He also said, in one of the interrogations, that the most effective BW endemic disease was anthrax and epidemic was plague.
The Investigation reports on experiments and research of anthrax and
glanders as BW weapons compose a considerable part of the investigation documents. Among them are the 3 colored autopsy reports of human experiments kept in the library of Dugway Testing Ground. They are the Report of A (anthrax), the Report of G (glanders), and the Report of Q (plague).
A document in the Chinese History Archives records that the Chinese took precautions against anthrax and glanders on the alert that the Japanese army would use them to attack. In December 1939, the medical staff at Guilin Dispatch, Chinese Military Medical Bureau, submitted a report to the Ministry of War Administration of the Chinese Nationalist Government, entitled: Precautions of Defense against the Enemy Airplanes Spreading of Plague, Anthrax and Glanders. The report says:
  “Survey shows that it is still rare in medical science to use germs of fatal diseases as weapons, ...  The enemy’s radio station broadcasts aerial spreading of pathogens by planes to attack humans and animals. The possible lethal pathogens the enemy will use are the following 3:
1. Plague (close to pneumonic plague)
2. Anthrax (skin anthrax is close to skin septicemia)
3. Glanders (livestock especially easily gets infected, humans can also get infected) ”
From December 25 to 31, 1949, the formere Uoviet Union held a war crimes trial at Khabarovsk City for 12 Japanese military servicemen charged with crimes of biological warfare activities.
The court confessions made by the 12 Japanese have proved the analysis and precautions made by the Chinese medical specialists in Gulin in their report. Based on various testimonies including the 12 confessions at Khabarovsk Trial, Unit 731 based in Harbin and Unit 100 based in Changchun, besides using living humans as subjects in their experiments on anthrax and glanders as documented in the autopsy reports in Dugway Library, both mass produced anthrax. Unit 100 also mass produced glanders. Unit 731’s monthly production capability of anthrax is 600kg. From 1941 to 1942, Unit 100 produced 1000kg of anthrax and over 500kg of glanders.
Chief of Section 4 (production section) of Unit 731 made the following confession at Khabarovsk:
In mid 1942, according to the order he had received, he prepared 130kg of paratyphoid and anthrax for Unit 731 for its expedition to south China.
Unit 731’s south expedition was joined with Unit 1644, biological
warfare troop based in Nanjing. Altogether 160 BW specialized staff went down south to Zhejiang and Jiangxi Provinces to participate in the Japanese army’s “Zhejiang-Jiangxi Operation”, during which, the Japanese army employed 6 pathogens, including plague, anthrax, cholera, typhoid in its biological warfare against the Chinese.
Anthrax is a disease almost incommunicable between humans. The victims in the book are all residents of the areas along the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway, where the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Operation was conducted in spring and summer of 1942. They suddenly got the infectious diseases on their skin at the time, with other people in their surroundings, in some cases, one third of the local population, with similar symptoms described in the book. Research finds that most of the infected died then or after.
Documents from various sources indicate that over a long period of time the Japanese had trained collaborators and agents in large numbers and sent them in small teams to different places to spread germs in secrecy.
Recently, a document has been found at a local archive in Zhejiang Province. It is an interrogation record of a captured POW-turned-agent, who described in his confession that they each carried a kind of “tablets in green color” with them, to “drop into the wells or leave at the roadsides”. The tablets “melt immediately when in water” and “make legs swell and rot”.
Another confession by a former member of the Japanese biological
warfare program says that in a summer trial of field attack in 1942 along Sino-Russian boarder, they spread glanders in rivers and swamps and anthrax in the wells and soil there.
  In January 1945, the American Ministry of Surgeon, a document at the National Archives of the United States records, reported that the American military intelligence had found from captured Japanese military documents indications of BW attacks with anthrax by the Japanese. The document also says that earlier intelligence reports describe that the Japanese army possessed adjusted anthrax vaccine suitable for human bodies. In a Japanese POWs interrogation reports in the American National Archives, it is said that the efficacy of the anthrax vaccine used by the Japanese military is 80%. All the Japanese army servicemen in China had to take anthrax vaccination 3 times a year, each time 2 doses of injections. Vaccine was supplied by the Kantong Army and serum was from Dalian Hygiene Institute.
  From 1998 to 1999, I made some investigations in the Japanese biological warfare victimization in the suburb of Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province. There is a village called “Shangtianshi”. In 1942, at the time of the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Operation, because so many villagers there had contracted rotten-leg disease, the village was called “rotten leg village” in the neighboring area. Friends and relatives stopped paying visits to the village, passers-by shunned the villagers when they came across on the way.
  Shangtianshi Village is on a river, next to the major road to Wuyi County, where the Japanese monopolized a fluorite mine and sent all the mined stones to Japan. Fluorite is a material for making airplane shells. During the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Operation, a squad of the Japanese army came to the village and stayed on. They put up a watch tower on the roadside keeping an eye on the traffic. According to the villagers, the Japanese never used water there and had it dilivered over from somewhere else. None of the Japanese was found to have got rotten leg disease which was rampant among the Chinese in the same surroundings, causing great pains and many deaths. Of the 300 population in the village, about one third died of the disease during the wartime.
  Even the end of the war did not stop the Japanese army from using biological weapons against the Chinese civilians without inhibition. A former member of a branch of Unit 100 made the confession:
After Japan declared surrender in August 1945, they had their hoses in the staples contaminated with glanders and then drove them out to the neighboring villages.
  Li Xiaofang, author of the book, has worn out his shoes in an era with all modern traffic facilities, to have recorded the last moments of the victims with his cameras. With his work out, for the first time, many of the political, social and intellectual elites in crowds in big cities, will be able to have a glimpse of the war stories of the victims and the wounds they can never get rid of in their lives. The record of their last moments in photos is a most piercing sound raised to today’s world for a moral response: 60 years have gone by since the war ended, but they, who deserve every attention as war victims, with their stories, are irrelevant in any promise for peace and any discussion on repentance of the war.
  60 years of pain and misery in life as the photos show is far beyond common sense and sensibility. I appeal to all societies for attention for the sake of moral responsibility, and appeal to medical profession for help for the sake of humanity, and for research and investigation for the sake of civilization.
  In concluding this, I would like to give my great respect and heartfelt thanks to Professor Sheldon Harris and his wife, Dr. Michael Franzblau and Dr. Martin Furmanski and his wife, for coming thousands of miles away from the United States to see the victims and have been making appeals for them in the academic and international societies since then.
  Hard work of author Li Xiaofang has borne the fruit for all: a rare record of lives on earth.

王 选










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