Yang miao秧苗 Yang miao 写:秧苗:早晨心里有人说,有情没情情相连,情情相连总相会。花开见佛情人会,九宫大日乐开怀。我:请问是哪位?答曰:露露。露露是秧苗家的花仙。我:姐姐好!请坐、喝茶,请再说说。
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) _9 ?6 G6 @" g/ u0 a1 h! r4 p3 USeedlings, the in the mind some people say that in the morning, sentient beings not QingQing is linked together, meet QingQing are linked together always. Flowers will see Buddha lover, jiugong great day happy laugh. I: who's calling, please? Answer: lulu. Lulu is a little fairy of the house of the seedlings. I: elder sister good! Please sit down, tea, please say again.
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露露:花开见佛眉心开,情人相会在月下。晚霞瑜伽是情路,不见太阳永不回。心里在唱着一首歌:回家看看,有钱没钱!(注:心里感觉到“有钱没钱”是说有情没情的意思。这个“钱”字声音又拉长的唱。因我家里的有个录音机,平时里面唱的就是有这四个字的歌词。)那是你的故乡,不要忘了那古老的根,那是生长的地方,养育的黄土。美丽的故乡情深啊!永不磨灭的印记。 g7 h( ^& ~( u' v9 P; {' }+ I5 E
+ z. _! r2 [/ o: I7 K2 s- T
Lulu: see Buddha eyes open flowers, lover under the month. Sunset yoga is road, see the sun will never be back. Sing a song in my mind: go home, money no money! (note: in the mind feel have no money "money" said love not love is mean. The word "money" sound elongated sing. Because I have a tape recorder at home, at ordinary times there sing is the words of the lyrics.) That is your hometown, do not forget the old root, that is where the growth, raising of loess. The beautiful hometown feelings! Never indelible imprint. 5 @ q1 {( [' }) y9 Y; @! Q
) F# l* \0 |( A9 e6 U( f露露又说,情花开,故人来。花开闹春光,明媚的阳光滋润着你。我:露露姐姐没说了,谢谢姐姐。2013-3-16 2 K0 B9 |- w5 J4 k+ c8 C
. C9 a4 f, o8 L$ r8 w+ |Lulu said, love flowers, old friend. Blooms the spring scenery, sunshine moist with you. I: lulu sister didn't say, thank you sister. The 2013-3-16 i7 S# ^- r4 K" b1 p5 o1 d7 _% e